From the vibrant district of Comas in Lima, Peru, to the bustling streets of Los Angeles, California, the journey of Luis Julio Gutiérrez Páucar, known artistically as Louis Slein, is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and resilience. This 30-year-old musician has not only fulfilled his dream of working in the music industry but has also made significant strides as a composer, orchestrator, and multi-instrumentalist.

A Musical Seed Planted

Luis’s love for music began in an unlikely setting. As a child, he frequented markets where cumbia reigned supreme. However, a red cassette tape of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Californication” sparked his lifelong admiration for the American rock band and set the stage for his future career. Despite the dominant cumbia culture around him, Luis gravitated towards rock, a genre that would significantly influence his musical path.

Early Struggles and Parental Skepticism

Growing up in a modest neighborhood, Luis faced economic constraints that made accessing music players a luxury. His parents, concerned about the financial instability often associated with his music career, initially opposed his aspirations. Nevertheless, Luis’s talent and determination gradually won them over. His father’s skepticism turned into support when Luis mastered a guitar solo by Megadeth, demonstrating his dedication and skill.

Academic Journey and Critical Decisions

Despite his early musical inclinations, Luis initially followed a more conventional path by enrolling in the Scientific Computing program at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. However, the call of music proved too strong to ignore. Realizing that his passion lay elsewhere, Luis decided to pursue a music career in music, a bold move that marked the beginning of his professional transformation.

Luis began his formal music education at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC) but soon transitioned to the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), where he found a curriculum that aligned with his ambitions. His studies at PUCP, under the guidance of notable instructors such as Alonso Málaga, Andrés Prado, and Alec Marambio, laid a solid foundation for his musical career.

A Life-Changing Opportunity

Midway through his studies at PUCP, Luis learned about scholarship opportunities at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston. His audition, which featured an Afro-Peruvian musical theme fused with jazz, earned him a scholarship and a chance to study in the United States. This pivotal moment in his life not only validated his talent but also opened doors to new opportunities in the American music industry.

Establishing a Career in the United States

Upon graduating from Berklee with a degree in Professional Music and Soundtrack Composition, Luis, now known as Louis Slein, embarked on a successful career in the United States. He gained recognition for his work on the soundtrack of the short film “Burnt Roux” and “Colibri” directed by Keisha Davis, and collaborated with acclaimed composer Ryan Shore, known for his contributions to “Star Wars: Forces of Destiny” and “Scooby – Doo Trick or Treat“.

Diversifying into Video Games and Education

In addition to his work in film, Louis has made significant contributions to the video game industry. His roles have ranged from musical supervisor and director to composer and sound designer for games such as “Wobble Warriors,” “District N,” “Dreamland,” and “The Double.” His versatility extends to education, where he shares his knowledge with future generations at institutions like Nishiyamato Academy, Roos Studios, and CA MusicBox in California.

Tours and Live Performances

Beyond his studio work, Louis Slein has also made his mark on the live music scene. He has toured with the bands Urick and Vagabond, showcasing his talents at renowned venues such as Whiskey a Go Go and The Viper Room. These iconic Los Angeles clubs have been pivotal in his career, providing him with platforms to perform in front of diverse and enthusiastic audiences. The energy and experience of these live performances have enriched his musical journey, allowing him to connect with fans and fellow musicians on a deeper level.


Outside of his professional life, Louis has a range of hobbies that reflect his dynamic personality. He enjoys riding his Harley Davidson Iron 883 through the scenic Malibu Coast, finding both freedom and inspiration in these rides. As a gamer, he spends time playing video games such as Overwatch 2, immersing himself in the interactive and strategic aspects of gaming. Additionally, Louis has a passion for collecting orchestral score books, which allows him to study and appreciate the intricacies of music composition from various eras and styles.

Personal Reflections and Future Aspirations

Despite his professional achievements, Louis remains deeply connected to his roots. He often reflects on his journey from Comas to Los Angeles and expresses gratitude for the support of his family and mentors. His YouTube channel features compositions that pay homage to his heritage, including a touching piece dedicated to his mother titled “A Mother: Seen Through a Child’s Eyes.”

Louis Slein’s story is an inspiring example of how unwavering passion and hard work can overcome cultural and economic barriers. His journey from a young boy enamored with a red cassette tape to an accomplished composer and educator in the United States is a beacon of hope for aspiring musicians everywhere. As he continues to create and inspire, Louis Slein exemplifies the transformative power of music and the limitless possibilities it holds.

To know more about Louis Slein, follow him on:

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