Actress and Recording Artist Maya Ixta Delgado released another original single on May 2nd called “Time”. This is a special song for Maya Ixta as it is her first bi-lingual song in both English and Spanish which is an homage to her heritage. The track explores the anxiety and pressure teens often feel about the future. Maya Ixta took time out of her busy schedule to talk to us about this new single and tell us a little more about herself and her upcoming projects.
You just released a new single called “Time”. Tell us about that single. What was the inspiration behind it?
“Time” reflects my anxieties about the future and what I hope to achieve in life. I know this worries a lot of other teenagers too. This uncertainty is what inspired the song. I wrote it during a time when I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Writing the song was actually very therapeutic and a huge stress reliever for me.
What do you hope your audience takes away from listening to this new single?
I want to remind my listeners that even though it feels like life is so fast-paced, it’s important to have moments for ourselves. I hope listeners can connect to this story and realize we are all going through things together.
You have a diverse repertoire and write your own music. How would you categorize your music? Do you write with a specific genre in mind or just write whatever you are feeling at the moment?
I have so many different musical influences. I try to experiment with different styles because I’m always discovering new elements that I like to add to my music. Sometimes I write lyrics and melodies simultaneously so I pay more attention to where the song is taking me. I would describe my sound as pop, alternative, and I’m also writing more in Spanish.
               Photo credit: Devin Dygert
You have performed live all over Los Angeles. What has been your favorite performance so far? 
Every venue has a special vibe. Recently I performed at the Moroccan, and it was so special because so many people I care about were there supporting me on stage.  But I have to say, the most amazing experience I’ve had was when I performed at Radio City Music Hall in NYC. I was 11 years old and I got to sing some of my favorite musical theater songs for a holiday show.  That was a pretty incredible experience because it’s such an iconic stage!
You have been making music for a while now. How has your music changed as you have grown into adulthood?
When I was younger, I did a lot of musical theater.  I thought that was going to be my career path because I loved singing, acting, and dancing.  I was always told I was a triple threat, so I figured musical theater was the best path for me. But then I discovered a love for writing my music and fell in love with that. All aspects of music and art have special places in my heart, but right now I love releasing music and learning about the music industry.
How are you able to balance schoolwork, recording, and performing? 
Honestly, I’m really thankful that I have a good support system through my friends and family. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stressed, I can go to them to talk about it. I think if anyone has a lot to balance, the most important things are knowing what your limits are and having a good team around you.
Can you tell us about the importance of giving back to the community, and are there specific causes that hold a special place in your heart?
When I was 10 years old, I started HeARTs of Maya with the intention of helping youth who are passionate about the arts just like me. I have been able to get training from amazing teachers and coaches throughout my career, but I know not everyone has the financial resources to pay for this training.  There are aspiring artists with amazing talent that don’t have the means to pay for training, classes, etc., and I believe they deserve to have those opportunities just like I do. Most importantly, everyone should be able to have a creative platform and outlet, but that’s unfortunately not a reality for some people right now. I hope my organization can change that one artist at a time:)
When not immersed in the world of entertainment, what do you enjoy doing? How do these activities contribute to your overall well-being, and do they influence your approach to your craft?
I love volunteering! I am the youngest member on the Emerging Leaders Advisory Board for the nonprofit, Imagine LA, an organization that is combatting family homelessness. I am also on the Youth Advisory Board for the Grammy Museum’s upcoming community exhibit.  I’m also a huge fan of K-Pop, learning the piano, and acting!
Looking ahead, are there any specific projects or roles you aspire to take on in the future, and what goals do you have for your music career?
Yes! I’m working on various songs that will be a part of my upcoming E.P., “Diary Entries.” This E.P. is very special to me because every song is based on an entry from my diary.  My diary is one of my “safe spaces” and it’s helped me so much to sort out life.  I would love to share my experiences with others in the hopes that it can help them as well 🙂

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