The idea of discovering new horizons, experiencing other cultures through travel, and creating unforgettable memories is a great privilege. Many parents, however, find it scary, if not impossible, to travel with their young ones on board. If you think like this, then you haven’t met Mona Hovaizi.

Mona Hovaizi, 35, is a dentist by profession; she is also an avid traveler, wife, and mom. She aims to dispel some myths about parenting that suggest that having a child means no more trips around the globe. In fact, she herself believes that families can still continue visiting different places even when they have babies.

Mona Hovaizi was brought up in the DMV area as well as received her dental degree from one of Boston universities. But her passion for travel extends far beyond her professional life. Shortly after her son was born, Mona and her husband decided to prove wrong all those who thought it was impossible to make trips with such young kids.

When I had my son, I was told many times that my life would be over and all the travels would be over,” Mona remembers. “Of course, it was a tough pill to swallow for me. I felt overwhelmed, thinking, ‘Where would he nap? Would he nap? Would the time change wreak havoc on our eating and sleeping schedule? Would everyone on the plane hate us if he cries?’”

But Mona didn’t allow fear or doubts to take hold of her mind. By the time her son turned three months old, she had finally gotten ready and made arrangements for their first journey as a family of three. It was during this trip that Mona discovered just how adaptable babies can be.

“I then realized that the baby is capable of environment changes,” Mona recalls, adding, “I admitted it wasn’t easy and perfect, but it is definitely possible.

The beginning of many amazing journeys was that trip. “I am forever grateful that I did not listen to my initial fears because now we have hit 22 countries at the age of 22 months and have made countless memories!” Mona exclaims.

Mona Hovaizi’s love for family travel does not end there. She started an Instagram page called “Little Feet Big Journey” which aims to provide resources and support for other parents who wish to tour the world with their little ones. Here, she shares her own experiences, tips and suggestions so as to help inspire fellow travelers into taking the plunge.

That excitement has only grown as I’ve watched our son play in the Caribbean waves, have his own ‘sandbox’ in a desert of the UAE, and say his first word, ‘WOW,’ as we explored dormant volcanoes in the Canary Islands off of Spain,” Mona says.

From packing lists to airport hacks and from tips on keeping children entertained during long flights, her Instagram is filled with incredibly useful content. Additionally, she posts stunning destination photos that are truly eye-catching and inspiring.

I joke that my social accounts are just ‘the appetizer’ for all the Little Feet Big Journey travel content and tips to come on our website,” Mona says. “Website visitors can expect a deeper dive into all the topics we cover, like efficient packing lists for babies or toddlers.

Towards her future goals, Mona has in mind only one thing: to encourage parents and provide them with information that can help them enjoy while traveling with their kids. May it be a short outing or a long trip out of the country, she is determined to show that traveling as a family is not only possible but deeply rewarding.

As always, I plan to show through example that it’s possible to travel the way you want to travel as a young family,” Mona says. “Our upcoming trips include Canada and Mo’orea in the French Polynesia. Whether you’re going on a 30-minute car ride or traveling across the world, traveling can be daunting with a baby. I want to be a reminder that we’re human and are meant to live our lives, even with kids.”

For parents who are hesitant to embark on their own family adventures, Mona has a simple message: don’t let fear hold you back.

Being stressed/nervous is normal – try to take deep breaths whenever those feelings start to creep in and remember stressing never solves the problem,” Mona advises. “If your baby cries on the flight, everyone does NOT hate you. The airplane background noise is very loud and only the few people around you will hear it. Most people are also wearing headphones and are super focused on their own thing. And guess what, even if they do hear it and get annoyed, babies cry! It’s normal! Don’t panic; it will pass, and everything will be fine.”

To learn more about Mona Hovaizi and Little Feet Big Journey, follow her on Instagram.

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