
The mantra no man is an island is still relevant today. Despite the many networking tools that allow us to network and establish meaningful connections with other professionals remotely, it helps to make time to attend conferences and other networking events.


One of the highlights of in-person networking is that it gives you an opportunity to talk directly with other experts and share your digital business card. We dare say physical interactions are your best bet for advancing your career.


Here are seven proven tips for event-driven networking to increase your professional reach without stretching your budget. 

Scout for Events Relevant to Your Niche/Profession

Time is a limited resource that you can’t expend on events irrelevant to your profession or niche. Take time to scout for the most pertinent events online and offline. Do background research to understand the events and their reputation to decide whether they’re worth attending.

Plan Ahead

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Make sure that you adjust your weekly schedule to attend the events. You may have to delegate some tasks to other team members or reschedule some.


While at it, make sure that you communicate the changes to your team and clients. For example, if you reschedule a meeting, email the participants beforehand.

Set Goals

What do you want to achieve from the networking event? This is the number one question that you should ask yourself when planning to attend a networking event. The goals should be in line with the Harvard SMART criteria;

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Achievable
  • R – Realistic/Relevant
  • T – Timely

The goals should also align with your long-term plans for your career or company if you are an entrepreneur. Use them as your blueprint for interaction at the event to get the most results.

Be Prepared

Prepare how you’re going to interact with the other attendees. To sell your ideas to potential investors, create a compelling and professional pitch and business plan. Get a digital business card to share your contact and business information seamlessly.

Network Strategically

Quality over quantity should be your guiding principle when going to networking events. Trying to speak and share your contact information with everyone at the event is counterproductive. 


Your best bet to get the most bang for your buck is targeting professionals who align with your goals and objectives. Use the industry’s shared goals, interests, and involvements to kick-start a conversation with them. 

Attend Social Events Also

One of the mistakes most professionals make is focusing only on official networking events like conferences and presentations. 


Social events that are laid back are also significant for career growth. Attending such events will give you a better opportunity to showcase your social skills and deeply connect with the target experts.


The more authentic and resonant the conversations are the better the connection. Make sure you dress well and portray yourself as outgoing to build a solid foundation for your interactions.

Follow Up

Don’t just sit back and wait for the professionals to contact you after the initial engagement. 


Send them a follow-up email or call them to set up a meeting. Get to know what they think about your businesses and discuss collaboration opportunities. Be open-minded to understand their point of view and respond accordingly. 

Use Popl’s Digital Business Card for Professional Networking

Earlier, we mentioned the need to carry your digital business card to the networking event to share your contact details seamlessly. Popl’s digital business card has stood the test of time and proven to be the best tool for networking in the digital world. 


The card comes with a plethora of features, like the ability to not only share your primary contact information but also links to your social media profiles. You can also embed rich content, such as videos, to market your products and services interactively and memorably. 


Get in touch with us today to create your digital business card. 

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