It’s an era where there is room for anything and everything. However, some choices are still evergreen, even though their use cases change or transform over time. Nose rings belong to this category. These jewelry items have a rich Asian, Egyptian, and Roman influence. While many designs celebrate their roots, modern versions have come of age. Jewelry makers continue to work on customer experiences to add value to these luxury pieces. Do you also want to try one of them? Obtaining prior information about precious metal-based nose rings will help if you are a novice buyer.
- Nose ring varieties
A gold nose ring can be both investment-worthy and a status symbol. However, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Considering design intricacy, metal quantity, shape, and size, you can buy them even within an affordable range. Most stores sell a combination of nose ring styles in gold, such as hoops, L-shapes, corkscrews, hinged clickers, etc. Hoops are mostly circular rings with a simple closure or so. Corkscrew designs require you to twist the ring to secure it in its place. L-shaped can be an easy-to-insert design with a 90-degree bend. Another standard option includes a hinged clicker that you can open or close with a snap.
- Nose ring size
Select a proper fit, whether you are searching for a gold or some other nose ring. A comfortable size can also influence the design aesthetics and ease of use. Before you shop for this item, check the nostril’s thickness. You don’t want to pick something too small that will pinch your skin or too large that will slip away. Read product details to determine whether the ring is thick or thin. 22 gauge refers to metal thinness, and 18 gauge refers to thickness. Look at the piercing to determine whether a thin ring will suit you more. Another critical parameter in this context is the nose ring’s diameter. Hoops can be 6 to 12 mm or more. Pick one that would flatter your facial features and nostrils. Some people consult professional piercers to choose better. These little efforts can make a tremendous difference to your nose ring choice.
- Nose ring positioning
The look and feel of a precious metal nose ring on your face will depend on where you place it. You can pierce either side of your nostril (left or right). Some people prefer to have a high piercing on their nostrils. These decisions should be based on facial features, including face shape and nostril size. Smaller nostrils can have subtle piercings to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Buying the first nose ring in the gold base can feel surreal. The excitement runs high, especially if you find the right design. Trusted jewelry stores like can fulfill your desire quickly with their unique and user-friendly varieties. Hence, there is nothing to worry about. You can get a traditional design if you plan to wear one occasionally. Otherwise, you can focus on zig-zag, bubble, beaded, basic round, and interwoven styles to fix your daily look. They have a more contemporary feel.
Modern jewelry designs have evolved to cater to broader interests. That’s why you can shop hassle-free for gold nose rings or other pieces.