“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”
– Princess Diana
Society has always labeled those with wealth and power as the most fortunate beings on the planet. This traditional mindset has been followed ever since the dawn of humankind, making societies look up to those with abundant riches. Thus, creating a sense of favoritism and injustice which further discourages the underprivileged. Empowering them with little to no prospect of growth, shattering their talents and skills. However, one cannot deny that where evil resides, good is always found nearby, and ever since mankind has existed, there has always been an essence of goodness found among the general populace. While the majority has always believed in the wealth of finances as a symbol of power, there are some who consider generosity another aspect of wealth that not many are blessed. It is also believed that the existence of this goodness in the brutal atmosphere helps overcome many adversities of life as it sustains an equilibrium in the environment.
Similarly, Belizean-American creative poetic and lyric writer of the human experience, Ruth Andrews Garnes strives to spread generosity and compassion in the environment. She has contributed wholly by assorted creations and her efforts have not been overlooked as she has received various accolades for her labor in making the world a better place.
The Powerful Visions Garnes Aims to Spread
Garnes has exclusively eradicated the idea of chauvinism and prejudice and remains steadfast in her vision that no matter how small an individual is, they still matter. Because every person has the right to be loved and appreciated since all beings are equal in the eyes of nature. One cannot be given more attention for being born into a particular race, color, or creed, and there simply shouldn’t be a concept of discrimination in terms of people’s gender, race, and color. Instead Garnes in her poetic narration of “Rahtimes No Man is an Island” is seen encouraging everyone to be more confident in themselves even if they are surrounded by powerful individuals or those with high-end capacities. She also pushed the community to treat everyone fairly and equally to sustain a just atmosphere. Simply by circling ourselves not only with those in power but also befriending the underprivileged as it can help in creating a sense of encouragement and motivation among those in need.
What Led Garnes to The Art of Compassionate Expression and Poetic Writing?
Garnes was born on 3 March 1963, in Belize City, Central America. She initially started writing and journaling as a way to cope with life’s challenges. Some of her notable lines from her songs include “Win the World Over” and “Don’t Forget You’re Powerful”. While facing the extremely brutal conditions of life, Garnes found writing as a method to drift herself from the daily trails. Before becoming a writer, Garnes worked as a registered nurse in Bellevue Hospital’s emergency room for about 5 years. She also volunteered with the United Way of Greater Houston, the One Church, One Child Organization, and Benevolent missions. Her miscellaneous experiences in the healthcare system played a significant role in fashioning her poetic nature.
Garnes, who was born the 2nd of six children, started working at a very early age of 12. Growing up shouldering the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings and navigating the challenges of employment from an early age, Garnes developed a sound work ethic and a deep sense of compassion for those facing adversity. She expresses herself through emotionally raw, yet uplifting creative writings. Each of her writings resonates with her real-life experiences. Her book The Cry of Our Children touches on sensitive topics as she takes on big issues such as abuse, racism, and sexism. With pop singles such as, “I Love You”, “Go Girl Go”, and “What We Need from You”, her discography of songs combines art and storytelling to a mixture of pop, Christian, and Americana genres.
Moreover, Garnes made sure to spread her words of wisdom and compassion through every platform. She has successfully issued two collections of poems which speaks to her experiences and beliefs. She continues to inspire many with her notable works and at the end of the day, her goal remains the same.