Selling a House in Calgary

When you are selling your house in Calgary, you will need to hire a lawyer to represent you. This is because there are many legal aspects to the sale, such as the transfer of ownership and the closing of the sale. Your lawyer will be able to guide you through the process and ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Things to know:

  •       The first thing you need to know about lawyer fees for selling a house in Calgary is that they are typically based on an hourly rate. This means that you will be charged for the time your lawyer spends working on your case. The hourly rate can vary depending on the lawyer you hire, so it is important to shop around and get quotes from several different lawyers before making a decision.
  •       In addition to the hourly rate, you may also be responsible for other fees, such as filing fees or disbursements. Disbursements are expenses incurred by your lawyer on your behalf, such as courier fees or long-distance phone calls. Be sure to ask your lawyer about all of the fees you will be responsible for before hiring them.
  •       Once you have found a lawyer you are happy with, the next step is to negotiate a fee agreement. This document will outline the terms of your relationship with the lawyer, including the hourly rate and any other fees you will be responsible for. It is important to read this agreement carefully before signing it, as it will be binding on both parties.

How to find the best real estate lawyer?

There is no single answer to the question of how to find the best real estate lawyer. However, there are some important factors to consider when selecting a lawyer to handle your real estate transaction.

  •       First, it is important to find a lawyer who is experienced in handling real estate transactions. While all lawyers are required to pass the bar exam, not all lawyers have the same level of experience or expertise. When meeting with potential lawyers, ask about their experience in handling real estate transactions. Find out how many transactions they have handled and ask for references.
  •       Second, consider the size of the law firm. Smaller firms may be able to provide more personal service, while larger firms may have more resources available.
  •       Third, ask about the fees charged by the lawyer. Most lawyers charge by the hour, but some may charge a flat fee. When comparing fees, be sure to ask about all costs associated with the transaction, including any fees for title insurance, appraisals, and inspections.
  •       Finally, select a lawyer who you feel comfortable working with. This is an important business transaction, so you want to be sure that you can trust and communicate well with your lawyer.


When meeting with potential lawyers, be sure to ask about their experience in handling real estate transactions, the size of their law firm, and their fees. Also, select a lawyer who you feel comfortable working with.

If you have any questions about a real estate lawyer in Calgary, or about the sale process in general, our lawyers should be able to answer them. Remember, our lawyer is there to help you and represent you, so do not be afraid to ask questions.

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