The path WWE is on since the Superstar Shakeup has had its ebbs and flows, trying to find the right balance on both the Monday Night Raw and SmackDown Live rosters.
There is no doubt, the recent programming has been more entertaining, with new feuds developing and stars like Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and Big Cass enjoying a push. Those three performers and others should continue to improve the quality of programming toward SummerSlam.
I still think WWE needs to tweak its booking on both brands. Here is a look at four programs that could improve fan support in the coming months.
Seth Rollins and Jinder Mahal for the Intercontinental Title
I could watch Seth Rollins and Finn Balor every Monday night. While it is a feud that every WWE fan can get behind, it’s not feasible to have these two performers grapple each week.
Mahal moved to Monday nights, dropped the United States Title, and should be considered a serious contender for Rollins’ belt.
He is one of the company’s truest heels, getting heat from the crowds in arenas night after night. His shtick with the Singh Brothers works well in an old NWA-like storyline. Personally, I would love to see Mahal as a true singles competitor facing the best that Monday night has to offer.
A New Role for Bo Dallas
It’s hard for me to understand how somebody as talented as Bo Dallas has been dwelling at the bottom of the WWE wading pool.
Would a change of direction, pushing him past Curtis Axel into a role with Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt make sense?
Wyatt and Dallas are brothers in real life, thanks to Mike Rotunda. Joining the Woken Stable gives the Miztourage member new life. When Dallas first appeared on the main roster, he beat Wade Barrett twice in non-title matches He then tumbled into the abyss and has not had any true direction as a singles star. If WWE is going to keep him part of the complementary scene on Monday night, what better way than to have him part of something new and exciting with the Raw tag team champions.
Bayley and Banks – Finally
I have been outspoken about my feelings concerning Bayley and Sasha Banks. The feud that didn’t happen, must now happen.
Would WWE consider the unthinkable – turning Bayley heel? It’s a concept the company might want to explore. Banks was on Monday night, giving the woe is me speech, hoping for reconciliation with her BFF. It has the makings of a swerve many fans who love the “Hugger” won’t see coming.
If WWE wants to finally promote the rebirth of this feud, do it in an on conventional way. Make Banks the fallen and heroin and Bayley the new villain.
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. The Bar
WWE is hell-bent on keeping Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn together, then make their partnership means something. The Bar will chase Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt for the Raw Tag Team Titles, but a heel feud could be interesting.
The problem WWE has right now, is there are too many superstars push towards the top of the food chain. This would give all four performers a program that highlights their greatness. While Seamus and Cesaro are heels, they are immensely popular.
I’m still waiting for Owens to become a Babyface s, hopefully with Zayn turning on him, but for now this is the best path for all for WWE superstars.