When you’re fast asleep and your subconscious mind takes over, air can find it difficult to pass through your throat and nose, which results in vibrating tissue and the sound of snoring. Pretty much every person snores at some point, but some people have it much worse and it can lead to serious issues including poor dental hygiene. Instead of embracing the discomfort of snoring, it’s time to start tackling the problem.

Anti-Snoring Devices

You will find countless devices online that promise to deal with snoring once and for all, but there’s barely any research to support any of it. Instead of wasting your money on expensive gadgets, simply try one of the following strategies for preventing the dreaded snore. 

Using a Mouthguard

Snoring happens when the airway isn’t open properly, which is why wearing a mouthguard can help. It looks like the type of mouthguard that rugby players use for protection, but it helps keep your mouth closed, your tongue further forward, and your jaw slightly lower. All of this helps to force nose breathing, which is how humans are designed to breathe while they sleep. 

Sleep On Your Side

You don’t have much control over your body while you sleep, so being told to sleep on your side may feel like an impossible request. However, you can attach a tennis ball or something similar to the back of your pajamas, which will prevent you from sleeping on your back. By sleeping on your side, your airways are left much clearer and you’re less likely to snore. 

Get an Anti-Snore Pillow

There’s been plenty of research into the position of the head and how it impacts snoring, and it’s been found that elevating the head at an angle of 12° can move the tongue forward and lower the jaw, which can help with snoring. The best way to do this is to invest in a specially designed anti-snoring pillow, which has extra padding in the center. 

Quit Smoking 

Smoking is one of the most dangerous activities for the human body. Not only can the thousands of harmful toxins lead to different types of cancer, but the smoke irritates the throat and nose, which can obstruct the airways and lead to snoring. Even though quitting isn’t easy, you will feel relief in no time. 

Lose Weight

Overweight people can have excess fatty tissue in the back of the throat, which leads to snoring. In many cases, simply adopting a healthier lifestyle and losing some weight can reduce the impact of snoring or eliminate it completely. If you need support with losing weight, then read through this articleand remember there’s always help out there. 

Avoid Eating Before Bed

Eating before bed can lead to difficulties sleeping and may make snoring worse, especially if you have soymilk, dairy, or a large meal. As well as this, you’ll find that surgery drinks, wheat-based products, and known allergens can all lead to snoring. If you’re feeling hungry in the evening, have a light snack that won’t block the airways. 

Steer Clear of Alcohol and Some Medication

Alcohol in moderation is okay, but it’s not practical if you’re trying to stop snoring. When alcohol’s effects kick in, it relaxes the muscles in the throat and gets in the way of free breathing, which leads to snoring. Additionally, although sleeping pills can help you get a good night’s sleep, they also relax the throat muscles.

Snoring can be problematic for you and anyone who has to share a room with you. If you want to take control and sleep better, start following the strategies outlined above.

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