Dark mode allows you to change the background and interface of your apps to black. In the past couple of years, the dark mode has become quite popular across all platforms and devices. It doesn’t matter whether you are an android user or a Windows user; you can access dark mode on all operating systems.
Dark mode can also be accessed on Apple devices, and if you have a MacBook, you can change its interface to dark mode as well. If you are a Mac user who still hasn’t tried dark mode, then you have stumbled on the right blog. In this article, I have mentioned a few benefits of using dark mode on Mac devices that will convince you to give it a try. Let’s take a look:
It’s Healthy
Most people don’t even realize it but switching to dark mode is good for your health. All of us have used MacBooks with lights off at some point, and we can all agree that it puts some real strain on the eyes.
Looking at bright screens does not only make your eyes dry and red, but it also affects your sleeping habits. It reduces the melatonin production in our body and can affect our sleep badly. That is why it is highly recommended that you switch to dark mode, especially when you are using your MacBook in a dark room.
If you are not sure how to make mac dark mode, you can browse over to the highlighted text to learn more about it.
Battery Saver
Another great reason to switch to dark mode is to save battery and provide you with more screen time. Studies have shown that OLED and Super AMOLED devices consume less battery when they are in dark mode.
Switching to dark mode can save up to 20% battery for your MacBook, which is quite impressive. If you are outdoors with your MacBook for a long period of time, then switching to dark mode is the perfect option for you. It will help you prolong your usage, and you won’t have to carry your charger with you all the time.
New and Cooler Interface
Let’s be honest! We all have been using a similar kind of bright interface on every device for ages. The same old white screen and menu that is as bright as the moon on a good day. Most of us are already bored of it and want to try something new.
Switching to dark mode is a great way of trying that new theme that offers you something different. It will provide you a new experience, and you will feel more relaxed using an interface that is barely emitting any white light.
Also, on many devices, color pops out better on dark mode as they are not getting affected by the brightness of white light. On white screens, orange, blue, black, and violet have poor outcomes, while on dark-mode screens, blue is the only color that struggles sometimes.
When Not to Use Dark Mode?
Even though switching to dark mode has plenty of benefits, it is not something that you should do all the time. If you are using your MacBook outdoors in bright sunlight, then there is no need to turn the dark mode on. Similarly, when you are in a well-lit room, dark mode is not needed and can be harmful to your eyes.
Reading text in dark mode can become difficult if you are in a well-lit place. It will put a strain on your eyes as you will have to focus more on the screen to see clearly. It is recommended you avoid using dark mode from sunset to sunrise.
Other disadvantages include:
- Light text on the dark screen doesn’t appear clear all the time
- Lengthy content is not easy to read in dark mode and can be jarring at times
- If you are not using OLED or Super AMOLED, dark mode won’t save you any battery. LCD works differently, and no matter what color you are using, they consume the same amount of energy.
App Compatibility
The dark mode is available to users of all devices. It doesn’t matter whether you have a MacBook, an android phone, or Windows PC; you can find dark mode for plenty of your apps.
Mac users can browse the web in the dark mode as Safari now supports the feature. All you have to do is click on the apple icon on the top left corner of Safari. After that, click on preferences and go to general preferences. There you can find the option easily. Dark mode can also be used for apps like Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, Slack and etc.