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Part of the joy of exploring what’s on offer regarding altered states of perception is experimentation. Weed offers a variety of experiences depending on the strain you choose, many of which are described in great detail to help you find what you’re looking for.

The best hybrid strains are painstakingly refined to combine the most sought-after effects of select cultivars. If successful, the effects of the strain will speak for themselves. Keep reading to discover our personal favorites where relaxation and creativity are concerned.

Finding the Best Hybrid Strains

Ultimately, the best strain is subjective. What are desirable effects for one person might be the opposite of what someone else is looking for. This means some strains deliver certain effects better than others, making finding what you’re looking for the trick to enjoying the experience.

Fortunately, these days, almost every strain comes with a laundry list of information to peruse concerning its particulars. The data usually includes useful bits and pieces to help you find what you’re looking for. This information ranges from potency figures detailing expected THC concentration, the strain’s genetic background, and the effects you’re likely to feel from its use.

This information is one of the reasons why purchasing from a reliable dispensary is so popular. Vast flower selections of hybrid cannabis for recreational use are handy, but it’s the information you find through a little sleuthing that’s invaluable.

Our Favorites

For a long-lasting and physically relaxing effect, Critical Kush is an old friend. With a genetic background of two giants, Critical and OG Kush, this hybrid is an instant classic for even the most elitist of stoners. Pungent flavors of fruity pine and earthy tones make the experience a joy, too, even before the high.

Green Gelato, winner of the Soft Secrets 2019 Cup, is another hybrid that has firmly found a place within the hearts of many as a timeless darling. With THC concentrations commonly tested to be more than 26% and a clear, long-lasting, physically relaxing high that isn’t harsh or speedy, many find themselves reaching for this hybrid first.

Finally, no list of eligible hybrid cannabis strains would be complete without mentioning Haze Berry. A particular favorite in California, where medical weed has a secure foothold, it’s spreading throughout the world as a strain to measure others against for daytime smoking and alternative consumption methods alike.

The strains we’ve mentioned aren’t particularly strong, as most people like to keep at least one foot on the ground. If you’re looking for something with more punch, look no further, these are the strongest.

Designer Weed

Hybrid strains are the babies of growers who take the science of marijuana cultivation to extremes. Their careful work and dedication have brought the quality of weed into a new dimension. Tapping into creativity has never been easier thanks to their work and the best hybrid strains they’ve created.

There’s never been a better time to explore the world of hybrid strains and their effects. If you’re curious to learn more or are simply looking for more interesting articles to read, check out the rest of the blog today!

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