If you suffer from smelly feet, you know how embarrassing and uncomfortable it can be. The stench can be overwhelming, even if you think your shoes and socks hide the odor. Thankfully, there are several effective home remedies you can try to combat foot odor issues. With a little time and effort, you can get your feet smelling fresh again.
Start by Soaking Feet in Vinegar
One of the most powerful ingredients for reducing foot odor is white vinegar. Its acidic properties help kill bacteria and fungi that cause feet to smell. Fill a basin with one part vinegar and two parts water. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes to help deodorize them and eliminate odor-causing germs.
You can also make a more concentrated vinegar foot bath by warming undiluted vinegar and soaking feet for 5-10 minutes. The heated vinegar will be even more potent against smelly feet. Just be careful not to soak too long, as the acidity could dry out your skin.
Baking Soda Cleans and Deodorizes
Along with vinegar, baking soda is another go-to home remedy for smelly feet. The alkaline baking soda helps neutralize acids that build up on your skin and lead to odor. Plus, it absorbs moisture and cleans away dead skin cells where bacteria can thrive.
Add 1⁄4 cup of baking soda to a basin or foot bath filled with warm water. Soak your feet for 15 minutes to allow the baking soda to work its deodorizing magic. Not only will this treatment tackle foot odor, but it will also leave your feet soft and supple.
Make a Foot Scrub with Sea Salt
To slough away dead skin and calluses where odor-producing bacteria grow, make an exfoliating foot scrub. Simply mix 1 cup of sea salt with 10 drops each of eucalyptus, lemon, and peppermint essential oils. The salt buffs away buildup on the skin’s surface while the oils provide a fresh, antibacterial effect. Scrub this mixture all over your feet in circular motions before rinsing. Follow up with a moisture cream to avoid dryness.
Apply Antibacterial Essential Oils
Essential oils like tea tree oil and thyme oil contain antimicrobial compounds that kill odor-causing bacteria. Mix 5 drops of either oil with 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. Apply this directly onto clean feet, massaging it into the skin. Try doing this before bedtime and covering feet with cotton socks overnight. The antibacterial properties will work their magic while you sleep!
Spritz Feet with Apple Cider Vinegar
Diluted apple cider vinegar also makes an effective foot spray for battling odor. Mix 1 part vinegar with 2 parts water and pour into a spray bottle. Mist your feet with this solution whenever you remove your shoes and socks, or even right before putting them on. The vinegar smell may seem strong at first but will fade. And you’ll be left with clean, deodorized feet.
Rotate Your Shoes
Wearing the same shoes every day without giving them time to air out leads to trapped bacteria and odor inside the shoes themselves. Make sure to rotate 2-3 different pairs of shoes daily so each pair has a chance to fully dry out before their next wear. Consider buying moisture wicking shoe inserts as well to absorb foot sweat and keep the inside of your shoes fresher.
Change Socks Daily
Like your shoes, your socks need rotating as well. Sweaty socks breed smelly foot bacteria. Be sure to wear a clean pair of cotton socks every day, and opt for moisture wicking athletic socks if you’ll be active. Having multiple pairs of shoes and socks in rotation will go a long way toward preventing odor.
See a Podiatrist if Odor Persists
While home remedies may help reduce typical foot odor, excessive smelly feet could signify an underlying medical issue. Problems like athlete’s foot, plantar hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and bacterial or fungal infections can lead to persistent stinky feet. See your podiatrist if no amount of home treatment alleviates the smell. You may need a prescription antifungal or antibacterial medication.
By trying these home remedies for smelly feet, you should notice an improvement in odor over time. Combining multiple approaches like vinegar soaks, essential oils, and sock rotations works best to keep feet fresh. Don’t let foot odor get in the way of your confidence and comfort. Banish the smell with consistent foot care and natural deodorizing treatments.