In the lightning-fast age of technology, innovation is essential, yet even the greatest minds may make mistakes. Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance is an important safety net for tech companies.

This insurance protects them from the financial burden of lawsuits alleging negligence or service failures. E&O coverage offers peace of mind, allowing companies to focus on innovation without fear of costly legal repercussions. 

It specifically mitigates risks such as unintentional errors, missed deadlines, or incomplete work. E&O insurance is essential for maintaining the stability and reputation of tech companies in an ever-evolving industry.

A Shield Against Lawsuits

Tech companies operate in a landscape rife with potential legal challenges. A disgruntled client might sue if your software malfunctions and causes them financial losses. Similarly, a data breach resulting from inadequate security measures could lead to legal action. 

The number of class action data breaches “exploded” in 2023 as a result of businesses being hit with follow-up and copycat lawsuits. Legal Dive reports that the total value of the top 10 settlements in all class-action lawsuit categories reached almost all-time highs. Settlements from class actions and government enforcement litigation exceeded $50 billion in 2023.

E&O insurance for tech companies steps in during such scenarios, covering the cost of legal defense – lawyer fees, court costs, and settlements. This financial protection allows tech companies to focus on resolving the issue and weathering the storm without significant financial strain.

Peace of Mind for Product Development

Innovation is the lifeblood of tech companies, but even the most rigorous testing can’t guarantee a product’s flawless performance. An unforeseen bug in your new software can lead to unintended consequences for users. 

According to TechRadar, the out-of-bounds write flaw remains the most dangerous software vulnerability. This flaw occurs when a program writes data outside the bounds of an allocated memory area. Consequently, the endpoint may crash or execute arbitrary code. 

Threat actors exploit this vulnerability by writing data larger than the allocated memory or by writing data to an incorrect memory location. Such abuse can lead to significant security breaches. As a result, understanding and mitigating this vulnerability is critical for software security.

According to Sahouri Insurance, E&O insurance gives peace of mind throughout the development process. If a product defect causes harm, the insurance covers legal costs and potential damages awarded to the affected party. 

This allows tech companies to take calculated risks when developing cutting-edge solutions without the fear of financial ruin if something goes wrong.

Safeguarding Data and Privacy

Tech companies capture and store massive volumes of consumer data. A disastrous security breach or mismanagement of sensitive information can result in significant penalties and reputational harm. 

Cyber Security Hub notes that one such case took place on September 22, 2022, when the Australian telecom firm Optus suffered a data breach. The attack exposed the personal information of 11 million consumers. 

After Optus declined to pay the hacker’s ransom, the private files were leaked on a hacking forum. E&O insurance can offer some protection in such situations. 

While it might not cover the cost of regulatory fines, it can help shoulder the legal expenses associated with defending against lawsuits. This financial backing allows tech companies to focus on mitigating the damage and restoring user trust.

Cybersecurity Threats and Professional Liability

Cyberattacks are an ongoing source of major concern in today’s digital society. In 2022, Check Point Research (CPR) reported that global cyberattacks increased by 38% compared to the previous year. This significant rise highlights the growing threat landscape across various sectors and regions.

Sensitive data could still be accessible to a determined hacker even with strong security measures in place. If your company provides cybersecurity services and a client suffers losses due to a successful cyberattack, you could be held liable for negligence. 

E&O insurance safeguards tech companies in such situations. It covers legal costs associated with defending against lawsuits alleging inadequate cybersecurity measures and helps mitigate the financial repercussions of a cyberattack.


Why do you need E&O insurance?

E&O insurance is essential for protecting businesses from the financial impact of lawsuits alleging negligence or service failures. It covers legal expenses and settlements, allowing companies to avoid crippling financial losses. This protection helps businesses focus on their core activities without fear of costly legal repercussions.

What is an out-of-bounds write issue?

An out-of-bounds write issue occurs when a program writes data outside the allocated memory bounds. This can result in arbitrary code execution or system crashes, opening the door to possible security flaws. Attackers exploit this flaw by writing oversized data or targeting incorrect memory locations.

What type of crime is a data breach?

A cybercrime known as a data breach occurs when unauthorized people get access to private data. Personal information, financial records, and confidential company information are examples of this. Identity theft, financial fraud, and serious privacy violations are frequently caused by data breaches.


The tech industry thrives on innovation, but even the most advanced tech companies are susceptible to errors and unforeseen issues. Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance acts as a shield, protecting them from financial ruin caused by lawsuits and legal fees. 

From product failures to data breaches, E&O insurance offers peace of mind, letting tech companies focus on their core mission: shaping the future.

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