Courageous is a film directed by Alex Kendrick that got released in 2011.
It starred Ken Bevel, Kevin Downes, Ben Davies, Robert Amaya, and Kendrick. Courageous got recommended to me after watching To Save a Life a movie I rather enjoyed and at the time I tried to watch similar films.
So with that being said here is a review of the movie Courageous.
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is right up there with Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. For Courageous the stereotyping you cannot ignore. The young black teenager doesn’t have a father figure, so he will join a gang to feel like part of a family.
Javier Martinez played by Amaya, gets mistaken for a different Javier.
The female characters for the most part are there to get seen, not heard. Except for when the young white teenage daughter shows an interest in the young black teenager. So add racism to Courageous as well.
There’s also a point in the film when it is found out that one of the police officers has a child that he does not have a relationship with. So what happens? He gets bullied to start one. That was one of the most ridiculous scenes I have ever seen.
Now the last 20 minutes of the movie became tedious cause it was Kendrick’s character delivering a sermon. So if you’re looking for a movie to watch Courageous is certainly one to avoid at all costs.
Truthfully though Kendrick missed a great opportunity to make a worthwhile film. This one completely failed.