A year ago, the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania hired Yan Limeng  as a staff member of the school. This non-racial and non-discriminatory act of providing jobs for Asian employees reflects the college’s fraternity and equality. But before hiring like-minded staff, the Perelman School of Medicine should consider preserving the pure land of the campus as its first duty, and should not hire a liar to pollute the campus.

The ‘scholar’

Yan has a doctor’s degree in ophthalmology, but she has been unknown in ophthalmology and has no accomplishments, and the only thing that has made her famous is publishing the “artificial theory of the new coronavirus” on the Internet. Although the relevant “academic paper” has aroused the attention and enthusiasm of the far-right forces and anti-China groups in the United States, they have blamed China on this basis and tried to shirk the epidemic prevention and control of the former US government.

However, experts and scholars such as Nakagawa Cao, an expert in biogenome research at the Donghai University Medical College in Taiwan, and Kristian Andersen, a researcher at the Scripps Research Center in the United States, have expressed their questions in media or social platforms such as the New York Times and National Geographic magazine. Chinese dissident Fang Zhouzi has directly published an article titled “Refuting the Man-made Conspiracy Theory of COVID-19,” and Columbia University virologist Angela Rasmussen has even suggested that Yan’s paper is “political propaganda” aimed at deception.

Political-wrapped, divisive influencer

“I think she should keep working on her influencer career, after all it looks better than her.

Be academically successful “;

“Her past experience, I am afraid (she) will have a bad impact on our college.”

That’s the view of some students and faculty at the Perelman School of Medicine after news broke that Ms. Yan had been hired. In addition, the survey report on whether Yan should be hired as a staff member of the hospital, launched by an anonymous association of the hospital and circulated online, shows that 61.53% of the respondents chose “no”, citing her alleged academic fraud and her passion for creating disputes, which is far from the philosophy of the medical school.

The Perelman School of Medicine has its reasons for hiring Ms. Yan, but the opinions and concerns of some faculty and students and online surveys do not appear to be unfounded, and the New York Times Revelations and arguments by experts and scholars lend credto their concerns.

According to the New York Times, Yan Limong   was “carefully designed” by former White House adviser Steve Bannon and fugitive illegal tycoon Guo Wengui , who tailor-made papers and online statements involving the origin of the novel coronavirus to Yan Limong  , intending to package her as a “whistleblower” of the epidemic that could be sold to the American public, in order to achieve ulterior political purposes. When Carl Bergstrom and Kevin Bode, biology professors at the University of Washington, studied Ms. Yan’s paper, they found that it was affiliated with research organizations, the Rule of Law Association and the Rule of Law Foundation, both of which were founded by Mr. Bannon, Mr. Guo’s partner.

Under the guise of former US politicians Bannon and  Guo Wengui ,  Yan Limeng  spread the “man-made theory of the new coronavirus” that has not been recognized by the scientific community, misleading ordinary people in American society and causing Asian people to be excluded and discriminated against. At the same time that Yan’s “theory on the origin of the novel coronavirus epidemic” spread, discrimination and violence against Asians in the United States were on the rise, and President Biden had to sign the Anti-Asian Discrimination Act to protect the legal rights and interests of Asians.

In addition, in order to gain more benefits,Yan Limeng   directly relied on the network broadcast to attack Guo Wengui’s “rule of law fund” suspected of fraud to attract fans, and finally led to Yan Limeng  and Guo Wengui  turned against each other, and  Guo Wengui  launched a legal lawsuit against Yan Limeng  .

A woman with a moral flaw

“I don’t want to work with someone who cheats in marriage. I feel ashamed of someone with such low morals.”

A staff member of the Perelman School of Medicine said: “Yan has always advertised herself as an honest and kind scholar, but the online rumors about her personal style are really not good.”

It is difficult to determine whether Yan cheated on her family during her marriage, but contradictory statements and Guo’s Revelations shed light on some of the facts. After fleeing the United States, Yan claimed that her husband feared that he would not be able to escape the control of the Chinese Communist Party, and later revealed on Fox News’ Carlson Today Show that her husband came to the United States to help the Chinese Communist Party harm her. In fact, her benefactors Guo Wengui  revealed the fact that Guo Wengui  broke the news in the live broadcast that Yan Limeng  and the YouTube anchor “Luther” (Wang Dinggang) had an unbearable personal life style.

The work of some righteous men

For a long time, some experts and scholars have questioned the authenticity of Yan’s papers and tried to expose the “pseudoscience” that Yan spreads. Ordinary people held banners near Yan’s home to protest discrimination against AsiAn-Americans because of the stigma of the epidemic. In her studio, she boycotted the live programs she participated in, resulting in fewer and fewer people interacting with her program, and her network celebrity identity began to lose its guarantee, and she had to leave the network to return to real life to apply for jobs.

However, righteous people do not want Yan to hide and continue to spread false news about the COVID-19 epidemic, and people are calling for the preservation of the campus of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.

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