Getting into a motor vehicle accident is traumatizing enough. Even if you’re lucky to escape unscathed, the horrific experience can trigger long-lasting emotional distress. Besides, your car may sustain damages and leave you wondering how to pay for the repairs.  

It’s during such moments that working with a car accident attorney can make a significant difference in helping you get back on your feet.  

Auto accident lawyers possess the technical skills required to navigate the aftermath of motor vehicle accidents. They can provide the much-needed legal representation when seeking fair compensation and, if you’re the at-fault party, help you secure an acquittal.  

In this post, we’ll delve into the significance of auto accident lawyers in negotiating settlements with your insurance company. 

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Do I Need A Car Accident Attorney? 

This is perhaps the one question that will resound in your mind after getting into a car accident.  

Many auto crash victims only seek legal assistance if the accident results in severe personal injuries and/or property damage. Otherwise, they’ll happily negotiate with the relevant insurance companies directly.  

Some will only contact a lawyer if they suspect they are the at-fault party. This usually stems from the fears that the matter might be ruled against them, having them pay huge sums in damages to the other driver.  

However, engaging the best car accident attorneys in the US is important regardless of the outcome of an auto crash.  

Even if you’re completely unhurt and your vehicle has sustained minimal scratches, it’s still in your best interest to contact a lawyer and bring them up to speed with the incident. It’s the first step to ensure you receive the full damages you’re entitled to.  

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Why Engage a Car Accident Lawyer to Negotiate Settlements On Your Behalf? 

1. Car Accident Lawyers Understand the Negotiation Process 

Negotiating with an insurance company can be complex and overwhelming for the uninitiated. You’ll typically start by sending a demand letter and hope the company doesn’t make much of a fuss.  

If the insurer argues your demand is ridiculously high (as they almost always do), you have to provide appropriate counterarguments. The insurance company would then make a counteroffer, and the cycle would continue.  

All this back-and-forth can result in a long-drawn process and affect your recovery pace. Working with a car accident lawyer lets you focus on your physical and emotional recovery as the attorney negotiates compensation on your behalf.  

Car accident attorneys approach every negotiation firmly and professionally, always safeguarding your interests. They also handle correspondences on your behalf, preventing you from accepting liability or making potentially self-incriminating statements.   

2. Car Accident Lawyers Guarantee Fair Settlement 

Car accident lawyers don’t just negotiate for any settlement with insurance companies. They also ensure you receive the maximum amount of damage you’re eligible for under the circumstances.  

Auto crash attorneys rely on certain metrics when computing personal injury compensation. Some of those aspects include; 

  • Direct physical harm (to both driver and passengers) 
  • Medical bills 
  • Emotional distress 
  • Damage (to the car and nearby objects) 
  • Potential income losses 
  • Wrongful death 

A car accident lawyer can bring all these aspects to bear in negotiating the maximum settlement. Their professional assistance is particularly key if there are minimal injuries, where insurance companies may make the lowest offers. The attorney will invoke other unquantifiable elements, such as emotional trauma and lost workplace productivity, to negotiate the best deal.  

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3. Car Accident Lawyers Negotiate With Hard Evidence 

One of the reasons to contact a car accident attorney soon after getting into an accident is that these professionals assist with evidence gathering and storage.  

While you’re still reeling from the aftershocks of a car crash, a car accident lawyer will be busy collecting crucial evidence before the crime scene is contaminated. This typically includes photos and video footage of the impact point, injuries, skid marks, and any witness statements.  

When they’re done with the crime scene, the lawyer will secure all medical records and police reports. Such evidence will be instrumental in negotiating fair compensation with insurance companies.  

Armed with irrefutable facts of the case, insurers will have no option but to award you the full damage. 

4. Car Accident Lawyers Are Experts in Insurance Matters 

Car accident attorneys are experienced in both legal and insurance matters. The lawyers understand the different types of auto insurance and their implications in the aftermath of a car accident.  

For instance, liability coverage is critical since it covers personal injury and damage caused by the policyholder. There’s also comprehensive insurance coverage, which protects against damage caused by non-collision events beyond the policyholder’s control, such as theft, vandalism, adverse weather, and accidents with animals.  

Motor vehicle accident attorneys are also familiar with the regulations governing personal injury claims and the tactics deployed by insurance companies to diminish their scope of compensation.  

With such hands-on knowledge, you can be sure of recovering the full extent of the damages you’re entitled to. 

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Final Word 

The role of car accident attorneys in negotiating fair settlements with insurance companies cannot be wished away. Just be sure to proceed cautiously and diligently while searching for the best auto accident lawyer. 

Insist on someone who not only specializes in personal injury but also has a track record of prosecuting motor vehicle accident cases. Needless to say, the law firm you plan to engage must be duly licensed and accredited by relevant state and federal bodies.  

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