The beauty industry is brimming with claims of eternal youth, with each bottle offering magical elixirs for flawless skin, especially for the face. Whatever we put on the skin is absorbed by our bodies, so we should be more cautious about the ingredients used in making face elixirs and other skincare products for the body. 


Customers are increasingly searching for face elixirs that are not only beneficial but also skin-friendly and environment-friendly. As days pass, the demand for all-natural face elixirs is not a fleeting trend but is becoming a standard for responsible consumption. Let’s understand the role and benefits of natural ingredients in face elixirs and skincare products. 

Natural Face Elixirs and Skincare Products

The demand for all-natural face elixirs and skin care products is increasing daily. But what does it mean by ‘all-natural’ skincare products? All-natural skincare products, including face elixirs ingredients, are extracted from nature. They are devoid of synthetic or highly processed chemicals. The ingredients must be properly obtained and biodegradable for a skincare product to be all-natural. However, the term is unregulated and becomes a point of conflict when used for marketing purposes. 


Many skincare brands use labels that read ‘organic’, ‘pure’, and ‘natural’ to promote their skincare products like face elixirs and moisturisers. Reading these labels, many customers try their products. In light of this, as a consumer of beauty products, you must know which face elixirs contain natural ingredients and which do not. 

Benefits of Natural Ingredients in Skincare Products (Face Elixirs)

Your face is your identity and is much more sensitive than most body parts. That’s why it is pivotal to check the skincare product ingredients before applying it to our face. Various face elixirs contain chemicals that can trigger different skin conditions. As a result, most customers look for natural ingredients when buying them. Natural ingredients used in face elixirs often have a much stronger punch than their synthetic counterparts. The reasons for the increasing popularity of natural ingredients in face elixirs are as follows: 

Natural Face Elixirs are Effective

Face elixirs made with natural ingredients contain vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that have shown various skin benefits. For instance, face oils that contain red-gold saffron or blemish support serums made of lavender extracts. 

Compatible with Skin Bacteria 

It is important to maintain good bacteria in the skin. Natural ingredients that are present in the skincare products can help promote the overall health of the skin. Natural ingredients, like liquorice root extract and natural flower extracts like rose, lavender, as well as saffron, have great health benefits for your skin. 

Protecting Biodiversity

Using natural ingredients to create face elixirs and other skincare products can eliminate the need for monoculture, promoting biodiversity. Farming plants for skincare products can act as an obstacle against deforestation by making trees more valuable alive than dead. 

Reduced Risk of Allergic Reactions

All-natural face elixirs and skincare products reduce the risk of allergies, which are prevalent when using synthetic skincare products. People with allergic reactions when using synthetic skincare products can trigger their skin conditions, leading to serious complications. People with skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema should use all-natural skincare products that can benefit their skin health. Check the product labels and see if there’s any chemical present that can trigger your skin condition.   


The shift to natural ingredients to create skincare products is not just about personal health. A skincare product containing natural ingredients also ensures an ethical, sustainable and environment-friendly society. Avoiding synthetic face elixirs and accepting natural face elixirs also depict a profound consumer choice in the skincare industry. All-natural skincare products have no severe side effects on the skin; they boost skin health. Furthermore, natural ingredients used in face elixirs protect biodiversity and prevent animal cruelty, which was once prevalent in the beauty industry. 


If you’re looking for face elixirs with 100% natural ingredients, you can try the Timeless Restorative Skin Elixir by Shankara India. You will be astonished by the ample benefits it offers for maintaining your skin health. The active citrus stem in this concoction facilitates natural cell generation. Plus, the vitamin C content in this face elixir helps brighten the skin. These two ingredients also contain over 25 herbs infused in Kumkumadi oil that aid in evening out your skin tone. So, try the product now to see your skin rejuvenate in no time. 


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