With countless products vying for attention in the bustling marketplace of Amazon, all sellers need to understand the significance of crafting compelling product descriptions.

A well-written product description beckons your potential buyers, making the difference between a mere browse and a successful sale. These details not only inform customers about the features of your merchandise but also let you create an emotional connection with them.

Product descriptions that resonate with the target audience highlight unique selling points and address potential concerns that significantly impact each customer’s purchasing decisions. They rely on those details to imagine how a specific item fits into their lives.

With all these in mind, mastering the craft of writing product descriptions is one of the first tactics you need to master when you want to know how to sell on Amazon Egypt.


Creating Engaging Amazon Product Descriptions

Whether you’re a new Amazon seller or want to know more about writing product descriptions to increase sales, read below:


1.     Know the rules.

Amazon has strict rules regarding what you can put in your product descriptions. Take the time to familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure you get the text right and avoid any issues with the platform.

Generally, an Amazon product description should be:

  • Clear and concise to help customers understand your product.
  • An honest overview of the product’s uses and where it fits in its category.
  • A summary that highlights the product’s unique selling proposition (USP), benefits and features.
  • Grammatically correct.

It should also conform with relevant style guides and be free of HTML, JavaScript, and other codes, and include must-know specifications and dimensions.

Additionally, the product title and description should not include any of the following:

  • Phone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, and website URLs.
  • Pornographic, obscene, or offensive content and images.
  • Customer reviews, quotes, and testimonials.
  • Details of the product’s availability, price, or condition.
  • Links to other websites where customers can order the product or avail of offers, such as free shipping.

Now that you know what you’re allowed and not allowed to put on your page, below is the product description template you have to follow:

  • The product title, which should be composed of 200 characters or less.
  • Bulleted key product features section, which should be 500 characters or less.
  • The main product description section, which allows up to 2,000 characters that follows the Amazon Seller Central guidelines.

You can read more about these rules on the Amazon Seller Central Egypt page.

Once you have a good idea of these rules, you can be sure to create content that Amazon won’t remove.


2.     Know your target audience.

The next step to creating product descriptions that sell is knowing your target audience. You need to have a good idea of who buys your product, why they purchase it and how they use it.

If you’ve been selling for a long time or already conducted market research, you likely have a clear picture of your target audience. But if you want more information about them, read product reviews online to know what people are saying.

You can also use Amazon Brand Analytics and similar tools to get details about popular search terms and relevant demographics.

Based on these details, you can create buyer personas that ensure you include the information your target customers are looking for using the right language and tone that resonates with them.


3.     Highlight the benefits offered by your products.

Although you need to include product features in the description, you must focus on product benefits since many people tend to skip the technical aspects of an item. Most customers care more about what an item can do for them.

Because of this, highlight the value your customers can derive from using your product and how it can help make their lives easier.

Clearly explain how the product solves problems, enhances experiences, or fulfills certain needs. Also, highlight the unique benefits that set it apart from similar products to compel customers to choose your item.


4.     Incorporate the right keywords.

Optimizing your product description with the right keywords is crucial to ensure people find your merchandise online.

Use a keyword research tool to look for trending keywords you can use in your text. Identify the top 10 to 20 terms in relevant categories and study their titles and descriptions to know how you can integrate them into your copy correctly.

Among the relevant terms, choose long-tail keywords with four or more words to help increase your listing’s visibility.

However, avoid keyword stuffing since this can make your content look unappealing. It can also hurt your chances of ranking high on Amazon and search engines.

Use keywords sparingly throughout your copy and focus on creating an interesting and engaging product description.


5.     Incorporate descriptive and persuasive words.

Using plenty of words and phrases that describe your product in detail and encourage customers to take action can help boost your conversions.

Because of this, add descriptive and persuasive words in your product description.

Examples of descriptive words include the following:

  • Precise
  • Lightweight
  • Waterproof
  • Bright
  • Crisp
  • Soft

Persuasive words include:

  • Revolutionary
  • Must-have
  • Sensational
  • Unbeatable
  • Incredible
  • Guarantee

Using both descriptive and persuasive words gives potential customers a clear picture of what they’re buying and what they can get when they purchase it. It can also make your copy more inspiring and engaging.

However, avoid overselling the product. Stick to accurate, exact descriptions or details of the item to ensure you meet your customers’ expectations.


6.     Make your product description easy to scan and read.

Many Amazon shoppers do not read every word on a product description. They are more likely to skim, scan and make quick decisions.

You can leverage this purchasing behavior by making your copy readable and scannable. Below are some tips for doing so.

  • Use short sentences to help customers find important information, including keywords, without the need to read every word.
  • Create clear, concise headings and subheadings and incorporate keywords whenever possible.
  • Remember to use bullet points in the “About the Product” section to make it easier for customers to scan this part.
  • Try to keep the product description under 2,000 characters to retain shoppers’ attention.

Crafting compelling product descriptions is a powerful tool that will help you grow your Amazon business, by driving conversions and fostering long-term customer satisfaction.

You can start developing this skill by following these simple tips.

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