Taste Your Buddy On High Altitude and Embrace to the Sparkling Peaks of Nepal

1.Mardi Himal Trek:

The Mardi Himal trek is a covered-up jewel in Nepal, frequently dominated by the more popular treks like the Annapurna Base Camp and the Everest Base Camp treks. In any case, it offers shocking all-encompassing views, perfect scenes, and a moderately calmer path, making it a culmination for trekkers looking for isolation.

Arranged inside the Annapurna locale, the trek leads you to the base of Mardi Himal (5,587 m) and offers extraordinary views of Annapurna, Machhapuchhre (Fishtail), and Hiunchuli.

 Mardi Himal trek overview

  • Distance – 40 km/25 mi
  • Guide – can be done independently, with a guide/porter, or in a group
  • Main starting points – Kande
  • Main finishing points – Siding
  • Highest point – Mardi Himal Base Camp, 4500 m
  • Total ascent – 3274 m
  • Total descent – 3731 m

Route and Duration

The Mardi Himal trek is regularly a 5-7 day trek, depending on the beginning point and strolling pace. The most common starting point is Kande, a little settlement close to Pokhara, in spite of the fact that a few trekkers select to begin from Phedi or Dhampus.

The trek advances through pleasant towns, thick rhododendron timberlands, and snow-capped glades some time recently coming full circle at Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,500 m). Key stopovers on the trek incorporate Australian Camp, Forest Camp, Low Camp, High Camp,  Tall Camp, and at long last Mardi Himal Base Camp.  After coming to the base camp, trekkers ordinarily follow their steps back to Moo Camp and slip to the towns of Siding orLeans some time recently heading back to Pokhara. 

Highlights of the Mardi Himal Trek

  • Enjoy the stunning panoramic views of Annapurna, Machapuchare, Hiunchuli, and Mardi Himal.
  • Experience scenic trekking routes through lush rhododendron forests.
  • Collect authentic experiences in traditional Gurung and Magar villages.
  • Trek through less crowded and off-the-beaten-path compared to other popular treks.
  • Encounter diverse flora and fauna in the Annapurna Conservation Area.
  • A chance to experience cultural insights and local hospitality in teahouses.
  • Trek through varied landscapes ranging from subtropical forests to rugged high-altitude terrain.
  • Enjoy the clear views of Mardi Himal and the iconic fishtail peak, Machapuchare.

3. Cultural Immersion

One of the interesting perspectives of the Mardi Himal trek is the chance to encounter the neighborhoodGurung and Magar culture. The path passes through conventional towns likePothana and Siding,where trekkers can remain in teahouses and connect with the local people.

 The neighborliness in these towns is endearing, and you can learn almost the neighborhood conventions and way of life and appreciate true Nepalese cuisine.

 4. Tranquility and Solitude 

Unlike the more swarmed Annapurna and Everest districts, the Mardi Himal path remains moderately less frequented by sightseers. This gives a more quiet and serene trekking encounter, perfect for those looking to elude the hustle and haste of active trails.

 The sense of isolation upgrades the association with nature, permitting for reflection and mindfulness in the midst of the breathtaking scenery.

 Trekking Difficulty and Preparation

The Mardi Himal Trek is considered a direct trek, appropriate for apprentices as well as experienced trekkers. The elevation pick-up is progressive, lessening the hazard of elevation affliction compared to other high-altitude treks in Nepal.

 The most elevated point of the trek, Mardi Himal Base Camp, is at 4,500 meters, which is sensible for most trekkers with a few earlier trekking involvements or physical preparations.

Best Time to Trek Mardi Himal:

The best times to set out on theMardi Himal Trek trek are amid the spring (March to May) and harvest time autumn (September to November) seasons. Amid these periods, the climate is for the most part steady, with clear skies that give unhindered views of the mountains. 

The temperatures are direct, making trekking more comfortable. Spring brings dynamic rhododendron blossoms, whereas harvest time offers crystal-clear mountain vistas.The winter months (December to February) can also be a great time for trekking, but the climate will be colder, and snow may cover higher areas of the path, making it more challenging. 

The storm season  monsoon season (June to August)is not prescribed due to overwhelming downpours, which can make the path dangerous and increase the hazard of landslides. 

Permits and Accommodation 

For the Mardi Himal trek, you will require two licenses: thethePermits and Accommodation

Range Allow (ACAP) and a  Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card. Both licenses are effortlessly accessible in Pokhara or Kathmandu.

 Accommodation on the trek is fundamental but comfortable, with most towns advertising tea houses that give basic rooms and suppers. The offices are more natural as you climb higher, but they offer warm neighborliness and staggering views of the mountains.

2.Langtang Valley Trek 

Trip Overview

The Langtang Valley trek is one of Nepal’s most lovely and available trekking courses, advertising a combination of dazzling scenes, wealthy culture, and less swarmed trails.

 Arranged north of Kathmandu, the Langtang locale lies near the Tibetan border and offers trekkers the opportunity to investigate the breathtaking Langtang National Stop, with its rich woodlands, elevated knolls, and towering snow-capped crests.

The locale is moreover domestic to a wealthy social legacy, with the inborn Tamang individuals and their Tibetan-influenced traditions.

Trekking Course and Duration 

The Langtang Valley trek is by and large a 7-10 day trek, making it perfect for trekkers looking for a shorter but fulfilling encounter. The trek starts with a drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi, a little town that serves as the starting point.

 From Syabrubesi, the trek takes after the Langtang Stream, continuously climbing through thick timberlands, conventional Tamang towns, and snow-capped pastures some time recently coming to Kyanjin Gompa, the most elevated point of the trek at 3,870 meters. 

Along the way, trekkers pass through key towns such as Lama Lodging, Ghodatabela, and Langtang Town. After coming to Kyanjin Gompa, trekkers frequently spend an additional day investigating the encompassing zones, counting climbs to Kyanjin Ri (4,773 meters) or Tserko Ri (4,984 meters) for all encompassing sees of the Langtang run, as well as Langtang Lirung (7,227 meters). 

Highlights of the Langtang Valley Trek

  • The holy Gosainkunda Lake elevates at an altitude of 4380m.Ganja La pass elevating at an altitude of 5160m
  • Kyanjin Gompa, the traditional Buddhist heritage site of the region.
  • Local cheese factory of Kyanjin Gompa.
  • Get an insight into Tibetan influenced Buddhist culture and lifestyle
  • Trek through the rich landscape of Langtang National Park
  • Spot wildlife like the Himalayan Thar.
  • Enjoy the spectacular sights of Langtang Ri, Langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa, Ganjala, and many more.
  • Summit Kyanjin Ri (4773m), the highest point of the 5 day Langtang valley trek.

Social Submersion with the Tamang People 

The Langtang Valley is overwhelmingly occupied by the Tamang community, an ethnic bunch with Tibetan roots. Trekkers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the nearby culture, going to conventional towns, collaborating with local people, and learning approximately their Tibetan-influenced way of life.

 The Tamang individuals are known for their warm neighborliness, and remaining in the teahouses along the path gives an insinuated glimpse into their every-day lives. 

Additionally, the trek passes by Kyanjin Gompa, a sacrosanct Buddhist religious community at the base of the mountains. The otherworldly vibe of the zone, combined with the chance to watch conventional Buddhist homes, makes the trek a socially improving experience. 

  1. Kyanjin Cheese Factory 

A one-of-a-kind angle of the Langtang Valley trek is a visit to the Kyanjin Cheese Production Line, a little cheese-making office in Kyanjin Gompa. The manufacturing plant, which was set up with Swiss help in the 1950s, produces tasty yak cheese, a neighborhood delicacy. 

Trekkers can visit the office, learn almost the cheese-making process, and test new yak cheese—an involvement that includes a culinary component to the trek. 

Trekking Trouble and Preparation:

The Langtang Valley trek is considered a direct trek, making it reasonable for trekkers with a sensible level of wellness. The path includes a few steep climbs and plunges, but the height pick-up is generally slow, permitting for legitimate acclimatization. 

The most elevated point to come is around 4,984 meters (Tserko Ri), but most trekkers remain underneath 4,000 meters. Though the trek is not as challenging as high-altitude treks like the Everest Base Camp trek, it’s fundamental to be well-prepared. 

Trekkers ought to carry suitable adaptations, counting warm clothing for cold evenings, strong trekking boots, and a resting sack.

 Furthermore, trekkers ought to be mindful of elevation ailments, particularly when rising past Langtang Town to Kyanjin Gompa. Permitting time for acclimatization and remaining hydrated are crucial. 

Best Time to trek Langtang Valley

The perfect times for the Langtang Valley trek are amid the spring (Walk to May) and harvest time (September to November) seasons. In spring, the timberlands are filled with sprouting rhododendrons, and the climate is wonderful with clear skies.

The harvest time season offers steady climate conditions, with fresh mountain views and direct temperatures. Trekking in the winter months (December to February) is conceivable but can be challenging due to snow at higher peaks. 

Whereas the trails will be less swarmed, the cold temperatures and conceivable snow cover might limit getting to Kyanjin Gompa and higher focuses. The rainstorm season (June to Eminent) is not perfect, as the trails can be elusive and perceivability is frequently darkened by clouds and rain. 

Permits and Accommodation 

Trekkers require two grants for the Langtang Valley trek: the Langtang National Stop Allow and a Trekkers’ Data Administration Framework (TIMS) card. These licenses are effortlessly reachable in Kathmandu or at the Langtang National Stop office.

 Accommodation is accessible in the frame of conventional teahouses in towns along the course. These teahouses offer basic, however comfortable, rooms and home-cooked suppers, giving a true involvement of neighborhood hospitality. 


The best treks in Nepal  offer a diverse array of experiences, catering to different interests and fitness levels. Each trek provides unique landscapes, cultural insights, and challenges, making Nepal a premier destination for trekkers seeking adventure and natural beauty.

The Mardi himal boasts diverse landscapes, from lush valleys to high-altitude deserts, with the challenging Thorong La Pass as its highlight. For a less crowded but equally rewarding journey, the Langtang Valley Trek offers beautiful scenery and cultural richness in the Langtang region.


What is the most elevated point of the Langtang Valley Trek?

 The most elevated point is ordinarily  Kyanjin Ri (4,773 meters) or Tserko Ri (4,984 meters),, both of which are discretionary day climbs from Kyanjin Gompa. The base trek itself, as a rule, goes up to  Kyanjin Gompa at 3,870 meters

What is the most noteworthy point of the Mardi Himal Trek?

The most elevated point of the trek is Mardi Himal Base Camp, which is at an elevation of 4,500 meters (14,764 feet). Numerous trekkers too halted at Tall High Camp For mind-blowing views without pushing all the way to the base camp.

How troublesome is the Mardi Himal Trek? 

The Mardi Himal trek is classified as a direct trek. Whereas it includes a few steep climbs, particularly around Tall Camp, it doesn’t require specialized climbing aptitudes. The trek is appropriate for tenderfoot trekkers with a sensible level of wellness.

Escape Himalaya by using our email address  info@escapehimalaya.com  We are available at any time. Escape Himalaya  will deliver you price-worthy services, professional guides, trained staff, and assistance on every trip.

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