Also known as Wandering Jew Plant, Tradescantia is a one-of-its-kind houseplant that you can hang or place on the floor. The unique thing about Tradescantia plants is they have an astonishing color combination. They look green in the middle and have broad white borders. If you observe the underside of these plants, you will find them to be of purple color. The Wandering Jew Plants prefer indirect bright light. When you keep them in dim light, if they fail to get an ideal bright light, then their leaves’ markings fade away.

Pink mokara orchid flower

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The Striking Features

Tradescantia plants are popular for their small and 3-petaled flowers. These plants thrive both outdoors and indoors if they get the ideal conditions. The ease of care and quick growth of these plants turn them into a hugely prevalent choice for countless enthusiasts of plants. If you plant Tradescantia, you must cultivate it properly and take very good care of it. This way, you can maintain the lush growth and bright colors of these plants. People who have a good understanding of the needs of these plants can avert common problems like discoloration of leaves and legginess.

The Thriving Conditions

Some suitable thriving conditions for Wandering Jew Plants are:

  • Soil – Most people prefer to use standard houseplant potting mixes for their Wandering Jew Plants. However, these plants grow well when they get enough soil that contains more organic matter.
  • Light – The Tradescantia plants thrive in indirect and bright sunlight. When you provide these plants with brighter light, you will find them to be producing more flowers.
  • Water – All Tradescantia plants remain happy when you do not keep them soaked in water for a long period. Again, you must not allow them to dry for too long. The best thing is you should keep the soil evenly moist. Make it a point to give your plants a nice drink, but the pot should drain well. It would be a nice idea to mist these plants often.

Planting and Propagation of Tradescantia

Besides knowing about the best Wandering Jew Plant care methods, you should know how and when to plant this plant. The best time to plant Tradescantia begins in spring and continues till early summer. This way, these plants can establish themselves during the warmer months. When you decide to plant Tradescantia, you should select a pot that has excellent drainage. For this purpose, you should use a fine-draining soil mix. Do not allow the plant to stand in excess water. It will help prevent root rot and support a healthy start.

The Processes of Propagation

You can propagate Tradescantia via stem division or cuttings. This way, you can expand your collection. Again, you can also share this plant with other people. Cut a part of the steam of this plant that will be nearly four to six inches long. Put the cutting directly into soil or in water. It will keep the soil moist, and, in some days, you will find the plant developing roots.  

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