Anchanto’s Order Management System Ecommerce Fashion Retail is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide, driven by online shopping, changing consumer habits, and mobile technology advancement. However, as this industry evolves further brands and retailers encounter numerous difficulties related to order management, inventory tracking, meeting customer expectations for faster service provision; Anchanto’s OMS provides comprehensive solutions that enable fashion businesses to remain successful within a fiercely competitive marketplace.

Fashion Ecommerce

In recent years, global Fashion Ecommerce market has experienced rapid expansion with its size being valued at approximately $752.5 billion in 2020 and projected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) rate of 9.1% until 2025. This industry’s growth is being propelled by smartphone penetration rates increasing along with convenience and better pricing options online; its expansion furthermore being propelled by fashion brands taking advantage of digital platforms and expanding into multiple channels for orders through multiple OMS systems that manage a high volume of orders efficiently across channels requiring even greater expertise than before in order to successfully manage orders across platforms efficiently – further driving its explosive expansion!

Anchanto offers tailor-made solutions for the fashion industry that meet its specific demands by streamlining order management and improving customer satisfaction.

Addressing Volatile Fashion Demand

The Ecommerce Fashion Industry is marked by fluctuating consumer tastes and preferences that shift with seasons, cultural norms, and consumer behavior. Fashion retailers face difficulties managing inventory efficiently due to this fluctuation; overstocking out-of-season products results in wasted resources while understocking trending items may miss sales opportunities.

Anchanto’s OMS provides fashion brands with a powerful solution for managing fluctuating demand by centralizing inventory and offering real-time data across sales channels. Businesses can optimize stock levels by optimizing stock levels to prevent both overstocking and stockouts – Anchanto helps fashion brands ensure that they always have enough products available to satisfy customer demands with its smart inventory management solution.

Streamlining SKU Management

One of the largest challenges of Fashion Ecommerce is efficiently handling an ever-increasing selection of SKUs (Stock Keeping Units). Fashion products come in different sizes, colors, patterns and styles which makes inventory tracking more complex than expected. Mismanagement of SKUs may lead to fulfillment errors, late deliveries or dissatisfied customers which is something no retailer wants!

Anchanto’s OMS streamlines SKU management for fashion businesses by automating tracking and categorization of products. Businesses can monitor inventory levels for each SKU in real-time across platforms to ensure accurate stock data across platforms – this automation reduces errors as well as helping fashion businesses manage seasonal and product variations more easily.

Optimizing Promotions and Discounts

Fashion retailers can often benefit from frequent promotional campaigns in terms of discounts, bundle offers and seasonal sales. But managing these campaigns across multiple platforms can be challenging for fashion retailers. Coordinating inventory for bundles across marketplaces while updating pricing across marketplaces as well as tracking effectiveness requires a more sophisticated solution than what many offer today.

Anchanto’s OMS provides fashion brands with tools that enable them to effortlessly create and manage promotions, from creating them in bulk through to applying changes consistently across sales channels. Bulk actions and updates ensure price adjustments and promotional offers are implemented consistently across sales channels – this feature not only streamlines management of promotions but also allows fashion businesses to maximize sales during peak seasons and promotional periods.

Reduce Return Rates

Return rates in ecommerce fashion industry can often be high; customers frequently return items that do not fit or meet their expectations and managing them can become both time consuming and costly if the process is not optimized properly.

Anchanto’s OMS provides fashion retailers with a convenient return management solution to efficiently process returns. By automating and integrating returns management with inventory control systems, this system reduces both time and costs associated with returning products – ultimately improving overall customer satisfaction while mitigating revenue loss.

Enhancing Customer Experience Through Omnichannel Integration

Fashion Ecommerce customers expect fast and seamless shopping experiences across multiple channels such as online stores, marketplaces and physical retail locations. A consistent omnichannel experience is vital to customer retention and driving sales – however without adequate infrastructure in place managing inventory across various platforms can become cumbersome and cause delays to orders being fulfilled on time.

Anchanto’s OMS integrates all sales channels onto one platform for an unmatched view of orders and inventory, creating an efficient shopping experience for customers whether shopping online, in store, or through click-and-collect services. By centralizing data storage solutions like Anchanto’s OMS ensure that orders can be processed swiftly and accurately to enhance customer satisfaction and drive business forward.

Data-Driven Insights to Inform Decision-Making

In the competitive Ecommerce Fashion Industry, accessing real-time data and insights are critical for making informed decisions. Fashion brands must know which products are selling best, what promotions are driving sales, and whether consumer preferences have changed over time.

Anchanto’s OMS provides fashion retailers with comprehensive data and analytics tools for tracking sales performance, inventory levels, customer behavior and brand reputation. Using Anchanto insights fashion brands can stay ahead of trends by meeting customer demand with products they desire.


The Fashion Ecommerce industry is highly-competitive and dynamic, necessitating fashion brands and retailers to be agile and efficient when managing their operations. Anchanto’s Order Management System (OMS) is the perfect answer to meet these challenges – from SKU management, inventory tracking, promotion optimization, return handling, integration across sales channels and real-time insights into customer demand – while driving growth and profitability for fa

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