In moderation, video games are a stimulating source of home entertainment that people can enjoy by themselves or online with other gamers. However, some people can become obsessive with their gaming habit and may begin to show signs of addictive behavior.

Similar to gambling and other compulsive behaviors, excessive gaming can develop into a clinical impulse control disorder. It is also considered similar to substance addiction, due to how it affects the brain and impairs social, personal, and occupational function.

There are somewhat limited addiction treatment options for gaming disorders compared to treatments for other addictions. Available options may include individual therapy, counseling, and Online Gamers Anonymous, a 12-step recovery program equivalent to Alcoholics Anonymous.


Classifications of Video Game Addiction

There is some controversy among researchers and clinicians over how to properly classify pathological gaming. According to the World Health Organization, internet gaming disorder is included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) and classifies as a mental illness.

As of yet, the American Psychiatric Association does not recognize video game addiction as a diagnosable psychiatric illness or mental health disorder. Gaming disorder is currently excluded from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), where substance use disorders are classified. Gambling disorder is the only behavioral addiction included in the DSM-5.


What Causes Gaming Addiction

A person can become dependent on the stimulation and diversion of video games similar to the way people become addicted to the mind-altering effects of a substance and can also experience withdrawal symptoms. Gamers often use video games as a means of escaping from reality or troubling emotions and as a coping mechanism for stress.

According to research by the University of New Mexico, up to 15% of gamers have symptoms of video game addiction. Studies have also shown that video games can affect dopamine levels, causing them to spike and flood the brain with dopamine. This typically results in chemical imbalances that cause mood swings and other emotional disturbances.


Symptoms of Video Game Addiction

 There are a number of warning signs and symptoms of video game addiction, many of which are a direct result of self-neglect when preoccupation with video games escalates.


Warning signs of gaming disorder include:


  • poor personal hygiene and self-care
  • neglect of personal relationships
  • emotional withdrawal
  • poor performance at school or work
  • unhealthy diet and eating habits
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • irritability, anger, or anxiety when not gaming
  • sleep deprivation or insomnia
  • increasing gaming time to achieve satisfaction

The American Psychiatric Association also identifies video gamer’s thumb as a symptom of problematic gaming, which refers to swelling and tendonitis in the thumb from repetitive use.


Risk Factors of Video Game Addiction or Gaming Disorder

Some people are at higher risk of becoming addicted to video games and experiencing negative consequences from excessive gaming. Some mental health issues and psychiatric illnesses can increase vulnerability to video game addiction, such as depression and anxiety.


Certain personality traits can also be risk factors for video game addiction, including:


  • aggression
  • anti-social behavior
  • sensation-seeking behavior
  • neuroticism
  • emotional dysregulation
  • obsessive-compulsive behavior

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms can increase vulnerability to gaming addiction and are also likely to be exacerbated by excessive gaming.


Recovering from a Video Game Addiction

 Recovery from a video game addiction is possible with the right approach. The difficulty with avoiding video games is that they are closely tied to computers, which are an integral part of daily life, such as for educational and occupational purposes. In some cases, controlled use is the preferred approach to complete abstinence.

As is the case with other substance use or behavioral disorders, it is important to understand the underlying reasons for video game use and address emotional triggers. Behavior modification and therapy can help those who are affected by video game addiction to find other activities and hobbies that they enjoy and are beneficial to their mental health.




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