Careful consideration of the key commercial brewery equipment is needed to bring your brewing dreams to life. In this article, we will explore the essential pieces required for both the brewhouse and the cellar and discuss various options within each category.

Brewhouse Essentials

The brewhouse, often referred to as the ‘hot side,’ encompasses heated vessels and pumps vital for the initial stages of brewing.

Hot Liquor/Water Tank (HLT)

This tank stores and heats brewing water, requiring a pump, flowmeter, and a size approximately double that of the rest of the brewhouse.

Malt Mill

Necessary only if using uncrushed malt, a malt mill with adjustable features is ideal for smooth brewing.


Essential for accurate measurement of strike and sparge water, a heat-resistant and waterproof flowmeter is crucial.

Heat Source

The method of heating brewing vessels is a critical decision. Options include steam, utilizing a steam generator powered by natural gas, electricity, or diesel, and electricity, which employs elements similar to those in kitchen kettles.

Heat Exchanger

Employed to cool boiling wort before transferring to the fermenting vessel, commonly using a plate heat exchanger (PHE).

Lauter Tun

It is equipped with a filter, a sparge ring, and the ability to recirculate. This vessel separates sweet wort from grain during the brewing process.

Mash Tun

Various types are available, from open vessels to enclosed, heated vessels with stirring paddles. Consider features such as heating capability, pump connectivity, and recirculation for consistent temperatures.

Control Panel

Control panels monitor temperatures, pumps, and other motorized operations during brewing.

Boil Kettle

A heated vessel for boiling wort, equipped with a condenser or flue for managing steam.

Cellar Essentials

The cellar, also known as the ‘cold side,’ has fermenting vessels and conditioning tanks. Key essentials include:

Fermenting Vessels

The type depends on the beer style, ranging from simple open vessels to pressurized uni tanks, with customization options like dry hopping ports and carbonation stones.

Glycol/Ice Water Tank

Used to maintain fermentation temperatures, requiring a separate pump, control panel, and industrial chillers.

Cold-Side Control Panel

Monitors fermenting vessel temperatures and controls cold crashing, available in PID or PLC configurations.

Other Essentials

In addition to the brewhouse and cellar equipment, certain other essentials contribute to the brewery’s functionality:

Cleaning Station (CIP)

Facilitates efficient cleaning with spray balls, consisting of vessels for caustic cleaning, sanitizing acid washes, and other acids.

CO2 Tanks and Regulators

Essential for purging oxygen during the brewing process, especially when moving beer between vessels.

Hoses & Pipelines

Food-grade, heat-resistant hoses with tri-clamp connections ensure a reliable flow of wort and beer.

Essential Spares

Lastly, securing essential spare parts such as gaskets, clamps, valves, sight glasses, probes, and gauges is crucial to prevent delays and maintain quality.

Final Words

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the commercial and microbrewery equipment necessary to opening a brewery. While various tools and optional equipment exist, these essentials lay the foundation for a su

ccessful brewing venture. Happy brewing!

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