College education has become a challenge for every individual who wants to pursue the correct and relevant degree program, in order to end up in the most paying career with the prospects of maximum growth. Gone are those days, when people used to consider their interests only for higher education. Today, it is important to make note of the job prospects and market growth; along with the check of the market whether it is projected to be saturated.
Every year students graduate with a degree in some specific field, either to pursue a higher degree or hoping to end up in a high-profile job which might aid in paying off the student loans. It is a tough job market for the new graduates and especially for those who only have a Bachelor’s Degree. In order to gain a competitive position in the career, a basic or a single master’s degree is not enough. With increasing demands of the employers and massive competition among the fresh graduates, people have also started to acquire dual master’s degree programs, where the MBA /MHA dual degree program is the most demanding one in the market and to have a higher cutting edge. However, there is no limit to the variety of additional degrees that one can achieve.
According to the education data, there is a rise almost every year in the number of degrees awarded. It is estimated that there will be a total of 3,898,000 college graduates in the coming year only in the United States. It is on constant growth for the college graduates coming out as fresh candidates to acquire new jobs. It is impossible for any society to create an equal number of job openings as to the number of graduates each year. This scenario tells a clear story of more people from college programs who are likely to get themselves enrolled in a graduate degree program. However, for those who were lucky enough to get the job after their bachelor’s, they too are opting for the higher education programs after years of proven experience. Competition does not only give a tough time to the newbies but also to the people already in the corporate world. Greater competition has led the companies to set different criteria for hiring and now a master’s degree is the basic threshold in hiring.
Dual Degree Program
As the name suggests, a dual degree program sometimes called joint degree or double graduation is an organized program that facilitates the student with the option of studying two university degrees at the same time, within the same institution or even at different institutions or countries in parallel. A dual degree should not be confused with the double major, but two completely different degrees that can be earned at the same time like masters of public health along with the masters of business administration programs running side by side.
It has been observed recently that more and more universities are enrolling students who want dual degree programs making new and unique combinations to stand out in the market of fresh graduates. It is highly recommended for the students to conduct proper research on all the pros and cons they might face after enrolling. So, it is better to understand what dual degree program concept is and what it has to offer? Below is a list of all the things that you can expect from a dual degree program:
Long-Term Cost
A major advantage of having yourself enrolled in a dual degree program is the cost-saving. This cost-saving might not be evident at present but money-saving is definitely in the long term. This is because achieving a dual degree is faster than earning each degree individually where you have to put exclusive efforts and money for every additional master’s program enrolment. This would mean that you do not have to pay extra fees on the additional years of schooling and housing.
The two programs may be well coordinated in the terms of classes, agreements on waiver of courses, or awarding credits for both the programs by the virtue of one course. This can shorten the overall time to the graduation versus the dual degree program that can guarantee two degrees in only three years in comparison to the two-year program for a single master’s degree.
Professional Job Market Flexibility
Acquiring a dual degree has many key advantages, where professional flexibility is one of the major achievements after you acquire a unique combination of a dual degree. Young graduates can expect to change their jobs several times in their careers, which is a commonly existing factor for all the traditional careers. Dual degree having two slightly related but totally different degrees on your resume makes the path to acquiring the most seekable and rewarding job easier.
Having the star of dual degrees on your career cap gives you a wider range of career options and job opportunities in your life. The expanded variety of credentials that you can demonstrate and broad experience can definitely mark your resume as unique and demanding as one can dream in the career kickstart. With a dual degree in your hand, you can pursue a career that makes use of one or even both the degree programs giving you the advantage of having dual skills to be designated as the specialized staff within that organization.
Intense Studying
Enrolling yourself in a dual degree program requires you to be aware of many underlying factors and facts in order to pursue it with complete justice. If you intend to have a dual degree of the unique combination at your hand, be prepared to have an intense studying schedule. As you might be enrolled in a number of courses at one point of time, it requires a lot of extra hard work and efforts to manage the courses. Not that it is not easy to achieve, but you will be required to do an extensive amount of studies. Gear up rather than fearing up.
The dual degree program, apart from being the agent to make you stand out at a better position in the market after graduation, has a lot of additional factors attached while you pursue it. It might look expensive with lots of money to be invested, but in the long run, it will be a cost-effective solution along with the benefit of having two degrees at your hand. However, it is quite a challenging and strenuous task to achieve a dual degree within the stipulated time frame. People who are already working or are planning to work alongside the dual graduate degree program; should put the idea on hold. It becomes extremely difficult or impossible to work alongside the double degree studying program. Knowledge is indeed power, however the more the merrier!