Before the official release of POE 3.25, we tried to find some clues about the new league in the trailer. Recently, we received a new trailer, which shows that Settlers of Kalguur League have added a sixth slot to the map device, which is absolutely crazy.

In addition, the new trailer also reveals another hidden Totem, so the disappearance of Ancestor Totem will definitely become a big trend in this league.

But this is not the topic of this guide, because I want to use this time to dig deeper into the whole Anoint-Only Passive Skills trailer that happened a few days ago and have some discussions about it. We will dig deeper here to explore whether the addition of more Anoint-Only Notables and the introduction of new recipes mean that there will be bigger things happening?

So if you missed the previous trailer, then through this guide you will understand all the key contents and get some new inspiration.

New Anoint-Only Passive Skills

GGG will be adding new Anoint-Only Secret Notables to the game in POE 3.25. They will use a new oil, Prismatic Oil, as part of the anointment recipe, and Prismatic Oil can only be obtained from Blight and Blight-Ravaged maps. So if you want to get it as soon as possible, it will definitely pay to invest more POE Currency in your build!

Now, we already have a few Anoint-Only Passive Skills in the game, but they are not used very often. The last skill that really became popular was Vengeant Cascade, which was nerfed during Crucible League.

What do we get with 3 Prismatic Oils

Actually, I have been thinking about these Anoint-Only Passive Skills and why GGG revisited this system? Now, it has been 17 leagues since Blight was introduced in POE 3.8.

So why is now the time to add more of these Anoint-Only Passives and change their recipes with new specialized oils? I thought about it and felt like there might be something bigger going on behind this, and it just served as a catalyst for this change.

Unique Oil Recipes

Currently, there are 414 total Anoint-Only Notables in Passive Skill Tree and they have added 11 more Passives, which means there are 425 total Anoint-Only Notables.

Each Notable has its own unique recipe made up of three oils, where the order of the oils doesn’t matter, but the type of oils does. As long as you buy POE Currency in advance and use the right three oils, you’ll get Notables you want.

There are now 13 different oils that make up these recipes, which are Teal Oil, Clear Oil, Amber Oil, Sepia Oil, Violet Oil, Verdant Oil, Crimson Oil, Azure Oil, Black Oil, Opalescent Oil, Golden Oil, Silver Oil, and Indigo Oil.

As I mentioned, the order of the oils used in the recipes doesn’t matter. What matters is that these recipes can be repeated. For example, Whispers of Doom requires three Golden Oils to anoint, which means if we include the 13 oil duplicates, there are a total of 455 unique combinations.

So there are 425 Anoint Notables and 455 Unique Oil Recipes in the game, which means 30 recipes are currently unaccounted for.

Notables Recipes Mechanics Explained

This is why the recipes used by notables actually matter, they are not randomly assigned. GGG was very deliberate in making sure that the most powerful Anoint Notables in the game are also the ones that use the rarest Oils. This means that if you want to roll the top notables, you will have to invest more Divine Orbs.

For example, Whispers of Doom uses three Golden Oils again, Prismatic Skin uses two Golden Oils and one Silver Oil, and Charisma uses two Golden Oils and one Opalescent Oil. There are countless examples of this throughout Passive Skill Tree.

Passive Skill Tree Changes

So I think not only will they be adding new Anoint-Only Passive Skills in POE 3.25, but we may also see some new wheels added to Passive Skill Tree. There are a lot of areas on the tree that could use some revisions or new additions, such as Bleed. By doing this, they will add more wheels and notables to the tree.

But they will soon run into a problem with the very limited selection of Oil Recipes remaining. With the new notables, they will also quickly approach the maximum capacity of these recipes.

Future Predictions

It’s hard to say how many of these new Anoint-Only Passive Skills they will add in POE 3.25, but the devs say a lot. So let’s imagine that without the new system of Prismatic Oil, there would be a maximum of 10, maybe 15 at most. But with the addition of this new system, they will quickly approach the maximum capacity of Oil Recipes.

Prismatic Oil

Now, not only are they releasing 11 recipes, which are 11 pre-existing Anoint-Only Skills, but they will now use Prismatic Oil to enable skills to be released for potential new notables added to Passive Skill Tree.

This also means that they can continue to add new Anoint-Only Passives in the future without any of the recipe issues being affected. So I think we will see some changes to Passive Skill Tree in POE 3.25, including the addition of some new wheels.


I have to say, I think this change to the new Prismatic Oil and new Anoint-Only Passives is actually a genius move by GGG.

Because these are Anoint-Only Skills, and they have their own recipe system, they can actually really get creative. So I have no doubt that we will see some very interesting potential build definitions and very niche Anoint-Only Skills in the new league. Because characters have limited access to these nodes, and most builds can only get one of them, builds will go out of their way to get more nodes.

On top of that, these nodes still have to compete with things like Whispers of Doom and Charisma, so they’ll need to make a tradeoff for access to a few of those notables.

Regardless, we’re only 2 days away from the full reveal, and I’m excited to see what other teasers come out from here on out. We’ll see!

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