Cellular Health Specialist Dr Bill Cole’s Clean and Healthy Morning Routine
Waking up the right way means fueling your body with all of the clean, healthy, and energy-packed nutrients that your mind, body, and soul crave every day. Not only does this help to ensure that you get your day started off on the right foot, but it’ll also help to sustain your energy levels and your overall health throughout the day.
In case you haven’t caught on by now, I’m talking about breakfast. That’s right, the most important meal of the day.
Break-fast. When you eat for the first time in a day, you’re breaking a fasting period. For that very reason, beginning your period of eating again for the day should always begin with nutritious foods that fuel your body from the start.
That’s not to say I eat breakfast the moment my feet hit the floor. In fact, I don’t recommend eating breakfast any sooner than two hours after waking up – even waiting three hours is great. This gives your body time to acquaint itself with being awake and moving, and also kicks your metabolism into gear.
As a doctor, I am frequently asked what type of foods I eat for breakfast. While everyone has their favorites, I’ve identified the two core foods – and drinks – that set my body and mind up for the day. Even if you’re staring down some health struggles, there’s bound to be something on this list for you.
For Inflammation: Smoothies
For many of you who struggle with inflammation, you’ve likely read on the internet or heard from your doctor that eating foods like eggs – which are not unhealthy – and grains – also not unhealthy – might cause inflammation. While this is true, it’s important to remember that when cooked and prepared the right way, eggs and grains do not have to be taken off of your “good foods to eat” list!
However, if you’re concerned about inflammation, there are still a number of options left for you to eat a clean, healthy, and nutritious breakfast each and every day.
For myself and my family, our go-to breakfast tends to be smoothies. You can theoretically make almost anything a smoothie, so your options are endless!
For instance, one of my favorite breakfast smoothies takes just a few minutes to make. I use my Vitamix blender to make it, and keep all the ingredients in the fridge so I can whip one up whenever I have the craving. Here’s the recipe:
- 10 oz water & ice
- ½ green apple
- 2 celery sticks
- ½ avocado, peeled
- Handful of spinach
- of a flax and chia seed combo
- cacao (available in the organic or natural food aisle in your grocery store)
- 1 scoop Green Cuisine Phytonutrient Powder (or other quality green supplement powder)
If you’re looking for a wonderful breakfast that you can drink every morning and bring it with you on the go, this is the one to make! No excuses – it only takes minutes!
For Brain Performance: Bulletproof Coffee
Coffee is often one of our biggest downfalls in the morning. We all need a bit of caffeine to get us up and going in the morning – but the fact of the matter is that conventional coffee is filled with unwanted and unhealthy pesticides and herbicides. Bulletproofing your coffee means making it as healthy as possible.
Use Organic Beans
Purity Coffee is one of the best brands out there for organic coffee not simply because they source organic beans, but because their level of testing is extremely rigorous. They test for pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, and any other toxins before roasting their beans to ensure that each batch is 100% pure and clean.
Additionally, their roasting process is unique in that it raises antioxidant levels up about 10x than your normal pot of coffee. With that said, you can even consider a cup of coffee from Purity Coffee a health drink as opposed to your morning energy shot.
Add Healthy Fats
Adding some healthy fats to your morning coffee will help to provide your body with the caffeine boost you’re seeking, along with some healthy nutrients in the form of healthy fats. Our bodies crave these fats, and injecting them into your morning beverage is one of the best ways to ensure that you satisfy that craving.
Add some MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil to your coffee. Evidence supports the theory that MCT oil can help to lose weight, it can help Alzheimer’s patients, and it provides a range of health benefits.
Also, add some ghee or grass fed butter. It might sound odd at first, but it will certainly pay off. Ghee, for instance, is full of vitamins, omega three, six, and nine, and it is also a clarified butter. All you need is one tablespoon of both MCT oil and Ghee, and you’re set.
Blend It All Together
Finally, blend your mixture together, and you’ve got a clean, bulletproof coffee filled with everything you need to start your day off right.
Whether you’re looking to boost your brain performance or care for your body, smoothies and Bulletproof Coffee are two fabulous ways to get the nutrients you need every morning so you can fuel your body for whatever comes next. Bon appetite!
About Dr. Bill Cole
Dr. Bill Cole, Founder of the largest functional medicine group of its kind, has created the Cellular Health Accelerator Program that helps people to be well, feel well, and age well. He has already helped to transform the lives of thousands and has spoken on stages across the nation. For more information, visit drbillcole.com/
Do you wait 2-3 hours to have your coffee too?