Drinking and driving is a serious crime. But often, you will see people caught in DUI cases. These cases have serious repercussions in your life and will not only penalise you but will ruin all the reputations you have made throughout your life. Here are a few things that you need to do after you are caught in a DUI case. All the things are listed by a Gilbert defense lawyer.
Step 1: Pull over and do not panic
If you are caught drinking and driving, you need to calm down and face the police without any panic. The more you panic, the more you will commit mistakes that will act in your favour.
Step 2: Do not behave rudely with the police
The whole conversation you will be having with the police is being audiotaped and videotaped. Thus, you need to be very careful with what you are saying and how you are behaving. Avoid any kind of heated arguments, no matter how much the officers are provoking you.
Step 3: Do not admit your mistakes
After you have been pulled over, the police will take all the information from you. Provide all that they are asking for but do not admit that you have been drinking and driving. This will ruin your chances. Wait for your attorney to come and supervise you. Other than that, you can opt to be quiet if you are feeling intimidated by the police and the questions they are asking.
Step 4: Do not take any taste that they are asking you to
After you have been pulled over, they are asking them to take a test to detect alcohol; deny it until your lawyer arrives. Tell them that your lawyer asked you not to take any kinds of tests. They have to listen to you and can not force you.
If you are caught in such a situation, follow the steps that are mentioned in this blog. Furthermore, with the help of an attorney, you will get your way out of the situation. With the help of a lawyer, you can easily overcome the situation. However, do not drink or drive in any situation you are in. It is an offensive crime and you will have to face a very severe situation if you are caught in such a situation.