First tattoos are often memorable and hold a special place in your heart. Getting a tattoo is exciting and scary at the same time considering the pain and the permanence. If you have chosen the design and want to get the tattoo regardless of the pain, have a meeting with the tattoo artist to prepare for the actual session.
Depending on the complexity of the design, you can either go over paperwork and gather information in one session or several consultations. To help you have a regret-free experience, this guide helps you prepare for the big day of getting your first tattoo.
What you Need to Know Before Getting a Tattoo
Before we got our first tattoo from a tattoo shop, the only thing that most of us knew was that it will be a painful process. However, there are so many things that you need to know before even getting an appointment, and here are they;
You must be an adult to get your first tattoo
You might or might not know that a person below the age of 18 can not get a tattoo. If a person below the age of 18 wants to get a tattoo, he/she has to wait until her 18th birthday. If anyone below the age of 18 gets a tattoo somehow, he will be treated the same as someone who has broken the law. The punishment for breaking the law would also be given. You can not pretend to be an adult as well. It is because before getting the first tattoo, you will be asked to show the ID card.
Laser treatment would be required to get rid of the tattoo
You have to be pretty sure that you are not getting a tattoo out of boredom. The tattoos are usually permanent. If you ever want to get rid of it in the future, you have to go through laser treatment. The laser treatment might even be more expensive than getting the tattoo. Therefore, the design and the placement of the tattoo are very carefully.
There is a pre and after-care
It’s important to understand that it’s a medical procedure. There would be pre and after-care. You have to follow the pre and after-care instructions very carefully as otherwise, you might get an infection.
Decide the placement according to your pain tolerance
Selecting the right placement of the tattoo is super important if you have low pain tolerance. There few parts of the body where you feel the least pain; it’s the outer shoulder, buttocks, outer arm, and calf. Whereas, the hips, breasts, and armpit are the few parts of the body where you feel a lot of pain.
Have a meeting with the tattoo artist before showing up for the appointment
It is not mandatory but recommended to have a meeting with the tattoo artist once before the big day. You have to ask the tattoo artist about the pre-care, discuss your fears, and requirements, and clear your doubts. It will greatly help you in getting ready for the tattoo appointment.