Five Star Brothels

Brothels and prostitution are there in practice from ancient times. A lot of people, to fulfil their sexual desire like to go to brothels and on the other side a lot of people work there too who are generally called sex workers. However, brothels today are very much different from brothels then in many years back. As prostitution is being legalized in many countries, the business is also growing. Today, brothels are being rated and in a five star brothel you can get all the facilities that you generally get in a five-star hotel.

With the growing business of prostitution, many people are choosing this job and joining in brothels. But, one thing they find difficult is choosing the right brothel to join in as in the business of prostitution so many complications are associated that all of us know. If you are considering entering the sex industry as a worker, it is advisable to choose a reputable and established establishment such as a five-star brothel. These types of brothels have a well-managed business strategy, which often result in a positive reputation and five-star ratings. Therefore, joining a five-star brothel would be a wise decision for ensuring a safe and secure working environment.

So, if you want to know what facilities these brothels provide for the sex workers, here you are-

1. Convenient Working Schedule:

The working schedule in these brothels is convenient as they are combination of work time or booking time and downtime. The whole shift timing remains in between 8 hours to 12 hours. And, in the downtime the sex workers can relax or do some other activities.

The sex workers can choose their shift. You can even choose between day shift and night shift. The night shift remains a bit louder or crowdy than day shift. More clients come in night shifts and the day shifts are relatively calm, less busy with lesser number of clients. You can choose any shift as per your preference. It is important to take breaks as needed, such as for using the restroom, having a snack or beverage, etc. However, it is important to ensure that these breaks do not interfere with scheduled bookings. Additionally, you can negotiate the terms of the service with clients, such as the level of intimacy or specific services offered, based on the payment agreed upon. These discussions can take place during conversation with the clients.

2. Provide basic food:

The five-star brothels provide basic food or snacks to the sex workers such as bread, butter, toasts, tea, coffee, juice, etc. Even you have your meal in the home in a 12 hour shift it is obvious to get hungry and thirsty. Therefore, these brothels provide this facility to their employees. The food is also tasty and you can get as many cups of tea, coffee, and bread as you like to have in a day.

3. Locker services for personal belongings:

In a five-star brothel there is locker facility. All the sex workers get separate lockers to keep their personal belongings. It is because they generally carry all the products of makeup, dresses, and other personal things to the brothel and get ready before their shift starts. So, not to lose their personal products, they are provided these lockers to use. Once you get a locker you are now responsible for the safety of your belongings and you can use the locker any time you want.

4. Hide your identity on STI test certificate:

Five-star brothels are generally strict on STI testing as they always want to keep their workers as well as clients free from any sexually transmitted infection. So, the workers are asked to provide STI test certificate every three months. But the good thing is, they will hide your original name from the certificate if you tell them to do so and they will only use your professional name. Also, these certificates will not be revealed to anywhere else and they remain confidential.

5. Safety:

A five-star brothel is much safer option than any other brothel. These brothels are well-known and they try to keep their popularity high in the market always. Therefore, they try to avoid any legal consequences. So, these brothels have proper license and do the job with legal permission. Therefore, there is always a better safety in the aspect of any legal mishappening.


Five star brothels are really ideal for sex workers due to these facilities they are providing to them. So, if you are finding a brothel, it would be a good idea to join in only a five-star brothel.

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