More than 47 million romance novels were sold in the last 12 months alone. This number says a lot about the popularity of the genre, and it is for all the right reasons. All of us have imagined ourselves in some romantic scenario with someone we love, and reading romance novels makes us realize how important it is to have someone special in our lives. 

Sometimes you could say that they read romance novels to escape reality or want to get into a fictional character. There might be several reasons why women read romance novels. Some of the most significant reasons for women to read romance books are as follows.

  • It’s fun to read spicy novels

No one can deny the fact that romance novels are hot. The writers have put the purest of sentiments into perfect words. So it can influence your reading selection. Women are more interested in love and romance. So they love to read hot novels. 

  • People love to fantasize about their lover

Sometimes women have to face harsh realities. Sometimes, they fear the real world and the men inside it. So they get to read novels. In novels, they can find some non-fictional good men that are loving, romantic, kind, and respectful. So reading romance novels can help them find the best one.

  • Discover a New “Book Boyfriend”

A lot of women read romance novels because they could find the man of their dreams. Sometimes they read romance novels because they are in a relationship or happy, or they want to read about people suffering in love.

  • Strong Female Characters 

Some women read romance novels because they come to see the clever, strong, intelligent, and capable women in novels. Romance novels are all about love. So they do not have to struggle with sadness and face two-dimensional plots for emotional transformation or plot progression.

  • A chance to live romance

Most women love reading romance novels because there is no limit to what can be done. So, such novels encourage them to dream big about romance. Jodi Picoult Books are the best-written books as she knows how to put romance in the most beautiful words.

  • Everybody loves drama, and you can find a lot of it in romance novels 

They love to read romance novels because these are sweepingly romantic and unapologetically dramatic. Romance novels are the most famous genres that have a distinguished and long history regarding honest relationships. Romance has no boundaries to prove anything. It can show the section of impassioned declaration and emotional fireworks with confidence and pride. 

  • Put the broken heart pieces together.

Although romance novels can break hearts, they are soothing enough to put the pieces together. So women read romance novels to put the pieces back together. You can find a lot of  Jodi Picoult Books in the market. 

  • An optimistic thing

Many women read romance novels because they find romance a quite hopeful genre in the market. This is where they can get the happiest endings from people who think that realism and cynicism are the same.

  • None of your business

Next time you ask a woman why she reads romance novels, you should know that it is her choice to read them. You are no one to ask as it is her choice and none of your business.

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