Dating is a romantic process when partners get to know each other from the side of future spouses. It is a connection a man builds with a woman to create a relationship. There are many stereotypes that it is men who should be the initiators of everything. They, as the stronger sex, intend to make all efforts to win a girl’s heart. But, sometimes, guys find it difficult to meet and start dating girls. All of this is justified, so if you’ve ever experienced such feelings, don’t judge yourself and don’t think there’s something wrong with you.
Why is dating so hard for guys? Sometimes, not everyone succeeds in finding the ideal girl who would fit all a man’s standards. Also, this is influenced by the fear of rejection or simply the modesty of guys. Each man is unique and has his character and temperament. For some, starting dating will not be difficult, and they will not make a problem out of it. Some need a lot of preparation and a bit of determination to meet women.
Despite all this, men can still succeed and win the sympathy of beautiful ladies during dating. The most effective way to do this is through online dating services for seniors, where everyone is guaranteed to get their love. The main thing is to know the reasons why it can be difficult for guys to get involved in romantic dating. In this comprehensive guide, you will become familiar with the compelling facts about why men find it difficult to start dating. This will be the first step towards entering the world of exciting flirtation and love with charming ladies.
Why is it Harder to Date as a Man?
If you feel some fear or something is blocking you from starting dating, you are reading this for a reason. After all, you need to know its causes to overcome a problem. We have prepared the most common facts about why it is difficult for guys to meet females. Read on, most likely you will come across something close to you.
Fear of rejection
This is perhaps the most common fear of guys when dating. A man is simply afraid that he will be refused. Imagine that you were determined to meet a lady, gathered all your strength into a fist, and approached her, but received a refusal from her. Then your self-esteem drops to zero, the sparkle in your eyes goes out, and you most likely won’t dare to attempt such a feat again. In this case, a dating website is suitable for you, where you can present yourself in the most favorable light when making a first step to know ladies.
Fear of being ridiculed
There are many more unpleasant situations than refusal from a lady. For example, a man approaches a girl who is surrounded by friends. And they, good and faithful persons, enter into dialogue, ridiculing the guy in every possible way. Agree, that man’s pride and ego will play a role here, and he will remember such a negative experience forever.
Fear of consent
Why is dating so hard for guys? The third most popular fear that arises when meeting girls is the fear of consent. It would seem, what is there to be afraid of? But in reality, everything is not so simple. Imagine, the girl agreed to date you, you exchanged phone numbers and you have a lot of questions now: “Should I call her or wait for her to call? What if she doesn’t call? What if she calls? What should we do then?“
In principle, you can torment yourself with such thoughts ad infinitum. This will lead to nothing but a nervous breakdown. There can be two options in such a situation. The first is to call her first. The second is to leave the choice to the girl. In any case, waiting for a call from a stranger, even a beautiful one, is not worth worrying about. There is a solution for those who don’t want to find themselves in such an awkward situation. When meeting on dating online dating services, you don’t have to worry about who will make the first move. You just need to like a girl’s photo and she will write you an SMS to start a chat.
Stereotypes and uncertainty
In principle, all of the above fears arise due to uncertainty. A man’s lack of confidence in himself and his abilities is a real red flag for dating. Imagine a situation: a beautiful girl is sitting at a table in a cafe, and none of the men get to know her.
It can be explained simply: men are afraid of her because they feel insecure, and “unworthy” of such a beautiful lady. When looking at a beauty, a man has “stereotypical” thoughts that she cannot be lonely, that she may be capricious, that she may only need money, etc. If you often encounter this situation, register on Christian online dating services. All the girls there are single, look like models and are seeking serious relationships. Before choosing a reliable online platform, check online dating services reviews.
Fear of public opinion
Another fear that often arises among men when dating is the fear of public opinion. It is very important for them what others say or think; they are afraid of looking stupid in their eyes. Every man is sincerely convinced that if a girl refuses him, all the people around will witness his shame and will be convinced that he is a loser. Choose the best online dating services to meet girls, so you will keep your love story a secret from everyone.
Fear of comparison
In addition, there is a fear of comparison. Every person wants to feel unique and best. Therefore, this fear arises in men in the process of communicating with a girl, if she directly or indirectly begins to talk about her friends and acquaintances. He thinks, for example: since her friend drives a better car than I have, she will not communicate with me. A man constantly compares himself with other existing or potential admirers of a girl.
Fear of being used
This reason is mainly related to finances. For a man, a wallet is something he values very much. At the beginning of communication, guys often check on women. They think: “Does the girl want to start dating because she likes me, or is she pursuing some selfish goals?” This fear arises in the first stages of dating, when partners still know each other little. Try the most popular online dating services, where you will chat with girls until you are sure that they are ideal candidates for you, without leaving your home. Then, invite one of them to a personal meeting.
Conclusion: Do Guys Have a Harder Time Dating?
We hope that after reading our article, you already have an answer to the question: “Why is dating so hard for guys?” Indeed, dating is an activity that is much more difficult for men than for women. Do not despair; the main thing is to show desire and perseverance. Knowing the reasons, you can overcome possible difficulties and register on a dating site to finally meet your love.