Occupants of a building or a complex cannot be forewarned about an eruption of fire but yes there are certain protective measures in the shape of fire resistant glasses that can be taken to safeguard their lives in case a fire do erupts.

Doesn’t it sound strange that a glass can protect someone from fire? Do glasses really have that feature, one wonders? Well, these glasses that we are referring to are not normal glasses but glasses that are formulated such that they stop the flames and smoke from spreading to another area and restrict the damage caused by fire. These glasses are referred to as Fire Resistant Glasses.

Advantages of Fire Resistant Glass

  • These glasses contain transparent layers due to Pyrobel and Pyrobelite.
  • They prevent spreading of poisonous gases.
  • Though transparent, these glasses do not allow the high temperature to spread into the buildings.
  • They always ensure safe evacuation of people.
  • They are available in all sizes.
  • They are convenient to buy since they cost only 2% of the amount spent on the building.
Fire Resistant Glass
Fire Resistant Glass

Fire Protective Glass Vs Fire Resistant Glass

Often the two terms i.e. Fire Protective Glass and Fire-Resistant Glass are considered to be the same. But it is not so. They are different in their applicability. For easy understanding, here are certain points that would help differentiate between the two.

Fire protective glasses prevent the spread of smoke and fire, but the heat is transferred to the other side and people can feel it whereas fire resistance glasses not only prevent spread of fire and smoke but also from the heat transfer and the people at the other end cannot feel the heat caused by the fire.

Thus, fire-resistant glass is more effective and protective than a fire-protective glass.

Classification of Fire Resistant Glasses

The glasses are classified on the basis of performance and level of integrity to meet an individual budget and requirement.

  1. Class EI
  2. Class EW

iii.    Class E


This type of glass provides the highest level of protection from smoke and flame, most importantly from radiation of heat also. It is only up to the particular period of 30 minutes to 180 minutes. It also has additional thermal insulation.


Class EW glass as also provides protection from smoke and fire. It reduces the transfer of dangerous radiation of heat. It is a laminated and gel-filled glass. It provides people ample time to escape from the place on fire.

  • CLASS E:

This glass remains transparent in the event of fire also. It offers protection from smoke and flame. But it does not reduce the transfer of radiation of heat. It only has integrity performance.

Uses and Benefits

  • It is used in the construction of buildings as safe exit. Some of the places where it is used are hospitals, laboratories, schools, colleges, offices, restaurants, theatres, museums, malls, shopping centres, IT parks, companies, and banks, etc.
  • Fire resistant glasses are available in different forms and are highly flexible to enable getting chosen according to your wish and needs. You can also use it as visual panel or privacy panel, if you wish.
  • Preventing the spread of fire throughout the building, it has the capability of withstanding high temperature. These glasses also protect from burglary, outside noise and thermal insulation. These glasses are highly soundproof.
  • They ensure safe evacuation of people from inside a fire hit building and have high level of light transmittance and you can use it as single glazed or double-glazed glass.

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