Jonathan Moore / Getty Images

Wishes and dreams can come true. Especially when black lives are involved. INVOLVED I say.

The only full-time black driver in NASCAR, Bubba Wallace told CNN’s Don Lemon that he “wanted NASCAR to go further than 2015, when it asked fans not to bring the Confederate flags to races.”

Bubba Wallace, your wish and dream just became a reality.

On Wednesday, NASCAR issued a statement in part saying “The presence of Confederate flag at NASCAR events to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors and our industry. Bringing people together around a love for racing and the community that it creates is what makes our fans and the sport special. The display of the Confederate flag will be prohibited from all NASCAR events and properties.”

Say it with me – #BLACKLIVESMATTER

Maybe this will bring interest from black drivers to NASCAR instead of running them away via the Confederate flag.

“No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race. It starts with Confederate flags,” Wallace stated. “Get them out of here. They have no place for them.”


I’m not the NASCAR buff, YET, but maybe this black sports journalist can become one. To study it, get knee deep into it. The Confederate flag turned me off too and maybe the love will return. It is time. It is beyond time.

#BlackLivesMatter – so true in many ways when united and when ON THE SAME PAGE. No terrorism necessary. No lives sacrificed. No. Lives. Lost.

George Floyd’s life and rapidly growing legacy is having the positive effect we have been looking for. Maybe this will start a trickle effect and bring BOTH sides to the table to start the negotiations, the co-habitation, and the HEALING.

There’s a reason that #BlackLivesMatter – because one with a simple statement, has caused a huge paradigm shift. You know, that shift that happens when the RIGHT things are being for and the right people are fighting them.

Do we have a long way to go? ABSOLUTELY! But maybe, just maybe, this is the start we have been looking for!

BRAVO NASCAR! Welcome to not only the 21st Century, but to the return of sports!


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