As most of my readers know, I have been in recovery for a little over 5yrs now. And as any addict knows, that means a very dark history that I have to live with the rest of my life. That history consists of felonies, struggles, fear of relapse, feeling alone, and worrying that you will never make a living without accepting minimum wage and praying they don’t run a background check. That however is not the case at Callcore Media a local call center located in central Florida.
Callcore Media is a call center that understands that people have made mistakes. And they firmly believe that those who want to make a positive change in their life, deserve a place willing to help them, not only by giving them a chance to better themselves, but by motivating them to do so in a positive environment surrounded by peers and leaders whom not only have been where they are, but are willing to listen when anyone else would have turned a cold shoulder.
My experience with Callcore has been in best terms, life changing. I remember coming in for my interview and everyone was dressed professional, the building was a clean and everywhere I looked was some photo full of smiling faces or a board acknowledging the employees for their hard work and determination.
I remember thinking “Oh my god, I’m not getting this job, one look at my record and I’m gonna be sent packing!” But that never happened. The woman who interviewed me was the sweetest most professional person but was so easy going and wasn’t concerned about my past so much as my goals for my future. Not what I expected at all, but when she said “you start Monday” I knew right then and there, I would never let them down because if I did, Id be letting myself down too and I’ve already done enough of that.
Its time I start making myself feel proud of my actions instead of regretting them. And so My Callcore journey began…
I’ve sat down with John Campanella a big part of Callcore Media as well as the face and voice of Campanella’s Motivation, a motivational company targeting addicts and felons in recovery to show them they still matter and aren’t defined by the past. Here is what he had to say to the Inscriber…
Me: So John, what sets Callcore apart from other equal opportunity employers?
JC: At Callcore, we don’t judge people by their past, we strive to give people a chance to turn their lives around and help them to understand their values and potential to thrive with hardwork in a structured and safe work environment.
Me: When you meet someone in active recovery what is the best advice you can offer them from your own experiences?
JC: My advice would be to stick with the winners in recovery, as well as life in general. Stay in the center of the “pack” until you can create your own “pack.” Believe in yourself and learn to love yourself so that you can one day begin to love others unconditionally.
Me: How has Callcore Media changed your life?
JC: Callcore has changed my life in many ways. The people at Callcore Media saw a light in me that I myself hadn’t seen in many many years. They helped me learn to believe in myself and to thrive in my career as well as my life. They gave me an opportunity to help others on a day to day basis.
Me: Why the motivational campaign with Campanella’s Motivation, What’s the goal you have for it?
JC: My goal with CampanellasMotivation is to share my experience, strength, and hope with other people out there suffering from the disease of addiction, and to show them that there is a light at the end of the darkness of addiction.
Me: If you could give one motivational piece of advice to those still struggling with addiction what would it be?
JC: Believe in yourself enough to make a change. That is why that is such a large part in my company logo, because when you believe in yourself 1st, you can achieve anything you put your mind towards.
Callcore media has helped me to find my potential. I have been staggering between 1st and 2nd place in my department, which is a first to me because as an addict I became accustomed to failed opportunities and lack of inspiration. But each morning after grabbing the coffee provided by this amazing company, I rush to the morning meeting because not only do I get to see all the smiling faces of my coworkers knowing we all share a similar past and yet here we are, but because I know John Campanella and Clint (the CEO) will be providing us with empowerment and drive for the day and that is what every company should do. They should motivate their employees and inspire them.
If more businesses were like Callcore Media, there would be less desperation, less relapse, and less animosity. Because recovering addicts would no longer be judged because of the past mistakes, but recognized for the drive they have been instilled with because of addiction.
Please contact Campanella’s Motivation if you or your loved ones need help finding the light. And if your in central Florida and need an opportunity please contact Callcore media we may have just what you need.
You can follow the wonderful daily motivational videos by John Campanella on Facebook as well as YouTube. Just look up Campanellasmotivation. Like, Follow, and share for an opportunity to be featured in one of my future features about addiction and recovery!
Also any donations as well as support can be send to Callcore media. We are currently doing a Christmas toy drive for children so please contact me via comments below to donate anything for that.
As always readers, much love, till next time
Brittany out!
Great job Brittany And readers please go to Campanella’s motivation that YouTube.com as well as Campanella’s motivation on Facebook like shit ass subscribe today.
Until they fire you for illegal reasons and also cancel your insurance before they are legally allowed and deny an addict the recovery they need.