White label services are the secret backbone of the digital marketing industry. These services work with expert knowledge and speed to create a sculpted brand while an outward-facing marketing agency handles the day-to-day needs of their clients. As digital marketing strategies and technologies evolve faster than ever, thanks to our friends at Hubshout, these white label services exist to keep clients on the cutting edge.
Service #1: White Label Content
White label content creators write from the brand and perspective of their clients (and their clients’ clients), embodying their tones, values, and goals. The content they create can range from website copy, blog posts, industry news coverage, posts on social media, and so much more.
In this way, white label content creators are skilled at adapting what they’re writing about, who they are writing for, and what kind of content they are writing.
Content services will often be offered as either a one-time content purchase or as an ongoing deliverable. The latter option works well to keep unique content flowing onto the client’s page, giving readers something new to read when they check the company’s website.
Creating relevant content is not only important for entertaining readers, but it is essential for SEO purposes as well. By incorporating valuable keywords and links into the content on their website and social media, clients will be better able to rank on their desired keywords and attract more leads. With expert content creators, your clients will be able to steer clear of clunky phrasing and incorrect grammar while receiving beautifully-written pieces and up-to-date social media posts.
Service #2: White Label Graphic Design
When you have high-quality, highly relevant written content, you also need attractive graphics to go with it. These two components go hand-in-hand to pull in readers and increase the time spent on the page. In white label graphic design, a specialist creates customized graphic design work that marketing agencies can resell to their own clients.
In a similar way that written content is created to sound like it is coming directly from the client or brand, white label graphic designers are able to put on the branding of the end client and make visual elements that represent the company. These designers are typically able to take on many forms, including design to accompany written content, business card and brochure design, and even a full corporate brand identity design.
The human brain is naturally drawn to striking images, which draw our attention and engage our senses. When a marketing agency offers graphic design as one of their white label services, they are offering yet another way to improve SEO rankings. A great piece of graphic design in the form of an infographic can be accompanied by a short written breakdown of the image, thereby incorporating all of the necessary keywords and internal links that search engines like to see. Posts on social media almost always perform better when they have the perfect visuals attached to them and they are more easily read by users on smartphones than long written pieces of content.
Service #3: White Label Social Media Management
While we’ve discussed how written and visual content can assist a social media campaign, there are white label services that focus solely on boosting a client’s social media presence. And for companies that want to stay in the modern world, having a strong social media presence is key. Consumers heavily rely on social media to get an instant impression of a company. On nearly any social platform they can check a company’s reviews, events, and values.
When a company has active social media accounts, consumers know that they care about keeping up with the modern age and that they can contact the company through social media and get a response. Platforms like Twitter are becoming a major avenue for companies to interact directly with customers, crafting an online personality while building trust with followers. This kind of social media awareness goes a long way in building a company’s brand and gaining attention from all corners of the digital world.
By using trusted techniques and employing social media know-how, white label social media marketing can manage social media posting and craft excellent social media content with the assistance of graphic design elements and written content creation. When a marketing agency offers its clients social media marketing, they’re giving their clients the opportunity to jump into the social media world without developing their own social media department.
Marketing agencies already handle plenty, but when clients are demanding more and more–and offering to pay for it–it can be difficult to refuse. That’s when white label services step in, relieving the burden of total marketing responsibility from the agency and providing tried and true marketing techniques.
Service #4: White Label Digital Advertising
A wide variety of services can fall under the umbrella of digital advertising, and that’s why teaming up with a white label company can be extremely effective. A white label service provider can manage digital advertising campaigns for your business clients. Alternatively, the providers can generate reports, campaigns, or products that allow your advertising agency to resell digital services to local businesses.
In today’s business world, strong digital advertising is the only way forward. It is what draws attention to a company’s other marketing strategies and generates direct traffic to a client’s website. Effective digital advertising has been proven to drive up sales and conversions for small businesses.
Because of these results, more small businesses will be looking to spend more on advertising. In fact, more than 42% of local businesses are planning to use more digital advertising strategies in the next year than they did this year. That means that your advertising agency should be in a position to offer quality digital advertising services to your clients, as the requests are bound to come pouring in.
White label service providers can do this work for you. These experts can design, create, and keep up the long-term maintenance of digital advertising campaigns for your clients. When you partner with a white label provider, you can offer easily rebrandable options, such as multi-channel campaign creation and optimization and design.
Service #5: White Label Website Services
As another umbrella service, white label website solutions can cover any product or service that an advertising agency is able to rebrand and sell to their clients. These solutions range from web design services, to website add-on products and more.
Small businesses tend to need these services because their website is the first impression potential customers have of their company and they want to make a great first impression. A business’s website serves as their major online representation. Any other digital marketing solutions you provide are going to lead right back to the business’s website. As long a business is coming to you for other digital services, why wouldn’t you offer to optimize their website as well?
If a business is just starting out, you can partner with a white label services provider to offer your client full website creation through design, development, and hosting. When a business already has a website but they want it to be revamped, you can resell copy content and visual asset services to upgrade select pages on the website that are not performing well. Other possible add-ons could include live chat platforms, form builders, landing pages, and appointment schedulers.
By using white label website solutions, you can position your advertising agency as an expert in the industry. About 51% of small businesses are investing in websites to supplement their digital marketing, and you would be missing out on a valuable service if you didn’t take the chance to also add it to your list of offered services. And when you work with a white label service, you will be getting an experienced team well-versed in what brings digital traffic to a client’s website.