The wellness industry is filled with individuals sharing their personal experiences of what worked for them as the new “one size fits all” approach. Although personal experience can serve as the impetus for helping others, health is never a copy-paste-repeat cycle, as each individual body is unique in their own chemistry, genetics, environment, and lifestyle. With this in mind, each person needs a specific strategy to achieve their personal goals.
What works for one person may not work for another, or it may work for a period of time, until it stops working. Dr. Amberleigh Carter, the founder of Kinection Holistic Health, LLC, is an Alternative Medical Practitioner who aligns her philosophy against a one-size-fits-all approach. She believes in catering to her clients on an individual level, getting to each individual’s unique root cause and, therefore, giving them unique tools that are relevant to them.
At the beginning of her professional career as an Exercise Physiologist and scientific researcher, Dr. Amberleigh was on the search for the truth behind why conventional health recommendations were not working for her, even in the face of what science says is fact.
Dr. Amberleigh was following typical exercise and nutrition recommendations that made her gain weight and experience health issues. She consulted various experts, but each of them relied on scientific studies and ignored the symptoms of her body. The experts subscribed to “calories in, calories out”, to them, it was physiologically impossible for the body to gain weight while in a caloric deficit. However, Dr. Amberleigh was counting calories and exercising until depletion and still gaining weight. At this point, she realized the failure of the one-method-for-all practice.
She knew that any traditional expert opinion or generic diet would not work for her because none of these were giving her the expected results. It was actually the opposite. The more she worked out and the less she ate, the more that weight would retain. She realized that if she was going to get answers, she would have to go back to the basics of what she knew to be true: to listen to her own body.
When she listened to herself, she began to unlock the keys to her health. All of this led Dr. Amberleigh to start her studies in Metaphysics – which deals with the science of energy beyond the physical and tangible world. She earned a doctorate in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysical Sciences. This enabled her to understand that there is much more to the physical body and health than can be interpreted by traditional science or perceived by the naked eye. From this experience, Dr. Amberleigh developed a strategy to help individuals get answers through alternative means. Using metaphysical principles as the foundation, she helps clients connect back to themselves and really listen to what they need.
She consults clients both in-person and over the phone, as well as offers both private and public speaking events for companies and groups wanting to learn more about improving their health, relationships, and lifestyle. You can listen to her podcast, “Ask Amberleigh”, where she gives everyday health tips, or you can book a private session with her here.