By now, you either heard of–or witnessed–the end of another cultural tour de force HBO series, Game of Thrones over the weekend.
Depending on where you stand, you’re either at a loss of words of what just happened or as confused and dumbfounded on how HBO managed to once again botch another series finale.
Rushed. Disjointed. Lack of fluidity. No emotional closure. These are some of the terms that have already been thrown around online and across social media in described the colossal W.T.F. clusterf*#k of what many across the world witnessed Sunday evening.
While I’m not one to call for people to sign the 860k-plus petition demanding that the GoT writers run it back and do a proper ending, but six episodes is far to short and HOW a series that has garnered so much social and cultural veritas as this deserved a way better conclusion than the harried tie-it-up-in-a-cute-little-bow bullshit that HBO sprung on fans.
Fans were robbed of a potential Sansa-Danerys cat fight of WWE Diva-level status or what about a Jon Snow-Grey Worm clash? What about a dramatic battle between the Dothraki and Unsullied vs. the Northmen and Wildlings with the Iron Fleet.
Something of that nature would have pleased everyone. What about Tyrion trying to appeal to Danerys’ softer side or Jon trying to broker peace while co-ruling with The Mother Of Dragons.
No Arya assassinating Cersei? Nope! Just Jamie holding her amidst the last remnants of Kings Landing crumbling down and the two incestious lovers dying in each other’s arms.
While cute and all, GOT failed a lot of its own characters and fans on so many levels that it’d make the Hinderberg and Titanic blush.