In the evolving world of sports and fitness, there’s a new kid on the block who’s taking the scene by storm – pickleball. Yes, you read that right, pickleball! And if you haven’t heard of it yet, don’t worry; we’re here to give you the lowdown on this increasingly popular sport and why it’s become the go-to activity for those seeking a mix of fun, fitness, and fierce competition.

What’s the Buzz About Pickleball?

Pickleball, often described as a hybrid of tennis, badminton, and ping pong, has become the undisputed sport of the moment. Played on a smaller court with a lowered net, it’s accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. The game involves fast-paced rallies, strategic shots, and a whole lot of laughs – making it the perfect blend of competition and camaraderie.

So, why the sudden surge in pickleball popularity? Well, for starters, it’s incredibly beginner-friendly. You don’t need to be a seasoned athlete to pick up a pickleball paddle and have a great time. The rules are simple, and the learning curve is forgiving, making it an ideal choice for those looking to dip their toes into the world of racquet sports.

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes, similar to a wiffle ball. The game is typically played on a rectangular court with a low net in the center. Pickleball can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels, making it a popular recreational activity.

Here’s a brief overview of how pickleball works:

  1. Court: Pickleball is played on a court that is 20 feet wide and 44 feet long (for doubles) or 20 feet by 22 feet (for singles). The court is divided into left and right service courts and a non-volley zone (also known as the “kitchen”) near the net.
  2. Net: The net is hung at 36 inches at the ends and 34 inches in the middle.
  3. Equipment:
  • Paddle: Pickleball paddles are solid and usually made of wood, composite materials, or a combination of both.
  • Ball: The ball used in pickleball is similar to a whiffle ball but slightly larger with 26-40 round holes. It is made of plastic and is available in various colors.
  1. Serving: The game begins with one team serving the ball diagonally to the opponent’s service court. The serve must be underhand, and the server must keep one foot behind the baseline.
  2. Scoring: Points are scored by the serving team when the receiving team faults. A fault can occur if the ball is hit out of bounds, does not clear the net, or if a player violates rules such as stepping into the non-volley zone when hitting the ball.
  3. Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen): Players are not allowed to volley (hit the ball in the air without letting it bounce) while standing within the non-volley zone. This rule encourages strategic play near the net.
  4. Double Bounce Rule: After the serve, each team must let the ball bounce once before volleys are allowed. This double-bounce rule ensures that both teams have an equal opportunity to play near the net.
  5. Rotation: In doubles play, there is a rotation rule where players must switch sides after scoring a point.

Pickleball is known for its social and inclusive nature, making it easy for beginners to learn while still offering a challenge for more experienced players. It’s a versatile sport that can be played both indoors and outdoors, and its popularity continues to grow around the world.


But it’s not just about the gameplay. Pickleball has found a sweet spot in social circles, with players enjoying the game as much for the exercise as for the chance to connect with others. It’s become a lifestyle, and speaking of lifestyle, let’s introduce you to a brand that’s making waves in the world of athleisure – Hoss Co.

Hoss Co.: More Than Just Streetwear

Hoss Co., a Chicago-based streetwear brand, is not your average clothing company. Founded by the dynamic Matthew Goldby, Hoss Co. is all about embracing the spirit of being a “Hoss” – living life to the fullest, without reservations, and tackling each day head-on.

Matthew’s journey into the world of entrepreneurship started with a joke – literally. The first product he created was a cologne, and the label featured his friend’s face. What began as a playful idea evolved into a brand that captures the essence of personal empowerment. Why Hoss? It’s a term Matthew heard growing up, a term that signifies the ultimate nod of approval. When someone calls you a Hoss, it’s recognition that you’re living your best life.

From that initial cologne, Hoss Co. has blossomed into a streetwear powerhouse, producing high-quality athleisure and accessories that not only look good but make you feel unstoppable. The brand has caught the attention of famous athletes like Max Strus, Pat O’Connor, Chris Streveler, and Super Bowl Champ Brian Allen. Collaborations with these sports icons have propelled Hoss Co. into the limelight, turning it into a symbol of style, performance, and empowerment.

Now, you might be wondering, what does Hoss Co. have to do with pickleball? Well, everything! Hoss Co. understands that when you’re on the pickleball court, you want to look good, feel comfortable, and perform at your best. That’s where their line of athleisure comes into play. And with Hoss Co.’s “USA PICKLEBALL APPROVED” Paddle, you can now dominate the court! The Hoss Pickle Ball Paddle has been crafted based on the Jolla Ben John design, which is why this paddle is a game-changer.

So, whether you’re hitting the pickleball court or strutting down the street, remember that behind every Hoss Co. outfit lies a story – a story of boldness, resilience, and an unyielding determination to conquer the world, one stylish stride at a time. 

Find out more about #BeTheHoss lifestyle here


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