Whether you’re currently finishing up your bachelor’s degree or already have your masters and work full time, you’re wondering, is it worth it to go all the way and obtain your PhD?

That’s a smart question. And we’d expect no less healthy skepticism from someone pursuing higher education. So, for your consideration, we have 7 distinct advantages you have over people with lesser degrees in a job interview.

1. You’re Self-Motivated

Employers want to know that the person they hire can get in there and do the job without frequent oversight or assistance. They perceive you this way because they understand the level of dedication required to get a PhD

Why? Because people who can’t draw on motivation from within are unlikely to get their doctorate. They often have burnout and are more likely to develop mental disorders along the way.

Bringing in a self-motivated person is good for businesses and their bottom line. It’s also good for your salary. They don’t need to spend extra money on supervision, training, or support.

Those carry a hidden price tag for an employee. The more supervision a person needs, the more would-be salary a business must divert to pay people to supervise. The more independently a person can work, the greater their money-making potential.

Now, it would do a PhD a disservice to assume they know everything about a job they’re going into, thus being afraid to ask questions. But this perception will go a long way during both hiring and evaluations.

2. You Know How to Overcome Obstacles

Whether you completed your PhD programs online or in a traditional classroom, getting your degree is no walk in the park. You’ve learned how to identify possible roadblocks and deconstruct them to find creative solutions.

3. You Can Find Your Own Answers

Once again, this doesn’t mean you should never ask your employers questions. But in a void, you certainly know how to find answers yourself. You are aware of and have access to research sites most people don’t know exist.

You can distinguish between trusted sources and opinion pieces masquerading as science and industry authorities. And you know how not to waste time doing it as you understand that time is money.

4. You Don’t Fear Defeat

As a PhD, you chose not to stay in your comfort zone, getting by with minimal education to get a decent job.

You stepped out and took risks to accomplish something greater with your life. There was a chance you would fail, and you would likely experience some disappointments along the way. You’ve overcome the dark side of work toward a PhD. and come out on the other side.

But you’ve come out on the other side a stronger person both mentally and emotionally. Because you’re not afraid of failure, you’re willing to take risks with high potential upsides.

In the long run, strategic risk-takers are more successful in business and life. Your employer will perceive this of you.

5. You Have a Growth Mentality

People with a growth mentality learn from their mistakes. They don’t see failure as a blemish on one’s character. It’s just something you’ve yet to learn about. And now that you’re aware of it, you choose to learn what you need to know.

This growth mentality also means that as an employee, you’re always pushing yourself to improve at whatever you’re doing, getting better all the time, and being a prime candidate for promotions.

6. They Can Deal With Difficult People

As a PhD, you’ve been in the classes of some very demanding professors. You learned to play by their rules, and as you did, you came to understand why they were so hard on you. It’s helped mold you into the person you are today. You’ve also dealt with toxic people along the way, whether they be students, an undesirable mentor, or certain family members discouraging your pursuit of higher education.

All of this has prepared you to work with all kinds of people–bosses, co-workers, clients, vendors, business partners. You’re confident enough to stand up to tyranny, but you also understand how to find common ground and work with abrasive personalities.

7. You’re Not a Regurgitator

For the most part, during undergraduate degree programs, you focus on learning things, mostly the how and the what of history and science.

But when you get to PhD level, you know how to think critically about every topic that comes across your desk, whether it’s in your industry or not. You understand how to gather all the angles of an argument and make your points. They’re your points, not regurgitated views from a book you read.

This is how potential employers perceive you even before they meet you. And once they get to know you, you can show them they’re right.



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