The Florida Substance Abuse Impairment Act, popularly known as the Marchman Act, is a Florida law that was enacted back in 1993. This act provides an avenue for alcohol and substance abusers to be assessed, stabilized and treated either voluntarily or involuntarily.
Oftentimes, those individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs fail to accept that they’re addicted and that they need help. However, the Marchman Act helps to take this huge load off of loved ones who watch helplessly as their close relatives or friends sink deeper into the quicksand of substance abuse. You can read more about the Florida Substance Abuse Impairment Act and how you can take advantage of it to get your loved ones the treatment they need and deserve.
Here are 4 important facts about the Florida Substance Abuse Impairment Act:
- It applies to anyone with a substance use disorder
In Florida, thousands of individuals are addicted to alcohol and drugs like cocaine. However, few of them can truly admit that they’re hooked to those substances. The Marchman Act is designed to encourage addicts to check into health institutions and seek treatment. However, this law also provides a leeway for people to check their loved ones into rehab even when they’re unwilling to go − also known as involuntary admission. If you have an addicted friend or family member who requires urgent help, ensure you get them into a treatment facility quickly.
- Service providers have certain responsibilities
When individuals are admitted to a facility involuntarily, it’s the responsibility of the caregiver to check whether that person meets all the admission criteria. In addition, the service provider should provide a secure treatment environment and verify that admitting the addict will not overwhelm the service capacity of the institution. If the facility can’t manage that individual’s specific medical condition safely, the service provider should discharge them immediately and refer them to somewhere more appropriate. Such responsibilities are put in place to ensure that all caregivers are kept accountable for their patients, providing them with the best care possible.
- Involuntary admission must follow due procedure
People who abuse alcohol and drugs may sometimes be too intoxicated to realize the harm they’re causing to themselves and their loved ones. If an addicted individual fails to consent to medical assistance, involuntary placement can be employed. However, there’s a well laid-out procedure that you should follow. First, talk to a law enforcement officer and explain the situation clearly. After weighing all the facts and confirming that the individual has expressly refused to get medical help, the officer can then proceed to take him/her to a licensed addiction facility, detoxification center or hospital. However, unreasonable force must never be used.
- This law is specific to Florida
Despite the huge benefits provided by the Marchman Act, it only applies to Florida residents. Impressively, Florida is one of the few states that has recognized drug and alcohol abuse as a pandemic that needs to be treated with the seriousness it deserves. If push comes to shove, you can easily get a revered Marchman Act attorney to guide you through court-related processes.