If you live in Texas and are a dog lover, you would have most probably heard about Mo Shaikh. He is one of the few people who have successfully converted their passion into a profession and earned huge respect for it; something that rarely happens these days, no? As life goes on, our passion and profession diverge into different paths. Sometimes what we love doesn’t earn us a living, and what earns us a living doesn’t fall into things we adore. But Mo Shaikh is a different story in this context.
The circumstances he was born into demanded he start earning from a young age. Initially, he watched from a corner as his parents, immigrants in the US, worked hard to make ends meet. A desire to help his family started simmering inside him, but it soon saw its realization when he and his siblings were legally allowed to work. Mo started by paying the bills for the house at a young age, and he now is shaking the status quo of the dog breeding industry.
How did he get so far in his life? For starters, you can count the hard-working gene that he got from his parents. Mo was quite inspired by his parents and wanted to do something bigger. Hence, when he finished high school, he chose to be a young entrepreneur instead of pursuing a college degree.
Ten years into running a cellular retail business, Mo had fully realized his potential in entrepreneurship and was looking for new ways to revamp it. He wanted to start a new venture, something very close to his heart this time. Eventually, in his hunt for a new business, he landed in a known yet distant territory that resounded to him more than anything in the world. At that point, no one had expected this young blood would disrupt the dog breeding industry. Clearly, he had different ideas.
Mo’s love for dogs is relatively well known. He grew up with dogs and considered them his ‘extended siblings.’ From being born into the family to choosing entrepreneurship, every year of his life was marked with paws and claws. That affection for dogs ascended to a new level when Mo got an opportunity to start a dog petting business.
FrenchBabyBullz appeared as a new addition to dog breeding businesses around the US in 2018. But for Mo, it proved to be more than that. It was something closer to his heart, something that he was more passionate about than the rest of his businesses. It was his love for dogs, especially bulldogs, that the company caught the spotlight quickly.
One of the reasons behind the instant and unprecedented success of his company was the unique and exotic breed of bulldogs that it offered. Don’t trust these words, go and have a look at this new addition to the bulldog-fam at FrenchBabyBullz whom Mo calls ‘Willy Wonka’.
That and many other adorable breeds have decorated huge kennels at the facility. Truth be told, Mo Shaikh has established the noblest example in front of all when it comes to chasing one’s passion. And that’s what makes him a qualified person to be featured on these pages.