Everyone has a niche, a certain aspect they have a talent for. It can be as unassuming as knowing how to bake a cake or something big like inspiring thousands of people worldwide through art. For some people, it takes a little time to find their true calling and use it to benefit a certain demographic. One such individual is Julia Hogarth, who started as a librarian and became a coach, creativity expert, and founder of Sonder Studio.
As a child, Julia had several ideas of what she wanted to be when she grew up. From wanting to join the circus to becoming a zookeeper, young Julia had many dreams. However, there was one aspect of her personality that did not change over the years, and it was her appetite for learning. With a flare for the written words and a passion for reading and learning, she chose to become a librarian. Her decision to pursue this career path was simple yet brilliant – she would be in a building full of books, filled with knowledge from all walks of life that could satisfy her hunger within.
Although she was happy with her job, Julia realized that she was not content with how restrictive the corporate world was, at times. With this in mind, she stepped down from her position as Library Manager and focused her attention on her newfound passion for meditation. Through meditation, Julia found a way to connect with the wonderful and hard-working local entrepreneurs who only needed encouragement to overcome their insecurities and be the best version of themselves.
Her meditation retreats and classes led to the conception of the idea for a place that would be a safe space for like-minded people – people who had the desire to share their ideas and creations while building something meaningful to their lives.
Julia’s Sonder Studio isn’t like any other creative co-working space. For one, the Sonder Studio Squad have a free online repository of classes and courses from their members, who want to ensure that their knowledge can help business owners across the globe. They consider the support of a creative community to be unmatched. An integral part of their businesses and lives thriving.
If you wish to make the Sonder philosophy part of your entrepreneurial journey, then simply click here.