People can’t develop strength without resistance. One can’t simply get what they want without challenging themselves. The readiness is all – to fight for what one truly wants. They fail to embrace the struggle since they are not passionate enough for their life-long dreams and ambitions. While the greatest majority today rests comfortably in their safe zones, there are still people who struggle forward and achieve their dreams. One such example is Dr. Tashinea Bernadin – physician, influencer, and content creator – whose life struggles didn’t stop her from becoming what she is today. . 

Dr. Tashinea did not let her bad experiences destroy her self-worth. Just because one cannot get the required result doesn’t mean they are not smart enough, and this was the notion that Tashinea held onto. She took the MCAT test 5 times, got rejected from medical schools 3 times, and failed the second part of the board. Only by identifying her struggles and weaknesses in her approach to the task, Dr. Tashinea made it to medical school on her fifth attempt. She eventually  got accepted into all the medical schools she applied for. Her struggles and the lessons she learned through them equipped her with the resources to succeed in a world full of obstacles.

After her marriage, she wanted to start her family but struggled to get pregnant. Trying to conceive a child can quickly feel like it’s taking over your life – especially when it takes longer than you expect. This comes with emotional laboring and bouts of depression, especially for a woman. People can’t always change their circumstances, but they can change how they deal with those circumstances, and Dr. Tashinea dealt with her struggles in the best possible way while she was doing her residency. She did not let the depression, anxiety, hopelessness, or feelings of worthlessness take over her and sought the aid of a fertility specialist. Despite undergoing 3 rounds of IUIs, but none of them led to fruition. Again, she did not let this heart-wrenching experience break her, and she continued trying. Eventually, she pursued IVF and is today a mother to a beautiful girl.

This collection of ups and downs made Dr. Tashinea a selfless doctor, who was a chief resident, and has a 4.9/5 star rating among her patients. She has seen many life struggles, but she never let go of the vision that she had for herself. Today, she is successful in both her personal and private life. In addition to her professional prowess, she has also recently been selected as a candidate for Marquis Whos’ Who in America – an American publisher that publishes short biographies.

Dr. Tashinea employes a practical approach towards life. She believes that if one wants light, then one must also go through the darkness. Dr. Tashinea encountered the phases of darkness with grace to reach the epitome of success. Visit her Instagram to discover more about the strong soul.


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