Consider paying the dentist a visit when your teeth, gums, or other areas of your oral cavity hurt. Slight discomfort may indicate the presence of an underlying ailment. Brushing off the pain you feel from your mouth might aggravate the situation. Visit a dental care expert in your area if you experience one (or more) of the following warning signs:
Bleeding or Swollen Gums
Any changes experienced in the color, size, or tenderness of your gums might be indicative of your gum health. For instance, mild yet persistent swelling of the gums may be a sign of an irritant trapped under the gums. Failure to remove the offending object might lead to early gum disease.
Another similar sign to look out for is bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth. Bleeding gums might be a common occurrence for specific individuals, especially if you do these procedures vigorously. However, if your gums bleed from a slight abrasion or touch from a toothbrush or floss, there might be a chronic illness linked to that concern. Harmful bacteria might nestle into your oral cavities, causing the bleeding and discomfort.
If you experience any changes regarding your gums, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for questions. Head to a reliable clinic like Scottsdale Dental Care if you’re in the area.
Tooth Pain
You shouldn’t ignore any pain felt from one or more of your teeth. The discomfort may be in different degrees. For example, if your dentist requests you to describe the pain, you might label it as “biting,” “throbbing,” or “chewing.”
Experiencing tooth pain may specify that you have tooth decay. Other causes of discomforts felt from teeth include broken or chipped teeth or teeth fractures. Infections may also cause you to feel hurt from touching your teeth.
Nonetheless, tooth pain may be a sign of an unhealthy oral cavity. Your dentist may prescribe you with antibiotics to help identify the underlying cause of the discomfort.
Chronic Dry Mouth
Areas of the mouth generate saliva to keep the cavity wet. In doing so, it helps moisturize the oral cavity to keep harmful bacteria at bay. Saliva may also play a vital role in washing away food debris that might linger in your teeth, gums, and tongue. Hence, it helps neutralize plaque acid buildup in the mouth. This moisture may even be the mouth’s first line of defense against tooth decay.
With that in mind, if you experience mouth dryness for extended periods, it might be a sign of a dental disorder. Also, it may even be a symptom of an underlying medical ailment.
Chronic dry mouth may even lead to other unwanted dental concerns like halitosis. Your dentist might suggest specific at-home dental care procedures to help you maintain a healthy oral cavity.
Plaque Buildup
The soft and sticky residue forming on your teeth is plaque. Leaving this substance to scatter across your teeth may result in gum disease and tooth decay. Plaque may develop because of improper teeth brushing and flossing procedures. It may even lead to gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum disease.
Plaque may also begin to harden and overgrow. If left this way, the substance may cause enamel erosion. It may even become tartar, and it might attach itself along the gum line and enamel of the teeth.
Contact your dentist if you see white or colored buildup on your teeth and gum line that doesn’t seem to disappear with regular brushing or flossing techniques. Your dental surgeon might recommend a professional oral cleaning operation to remove the substance properly.
Bad Breath
Bad breath might be a common problem experienced by many people. Consuming certain beverages like coffee may give you temporary bad breath. You might quickly remedy this concern by eating a breath mint or gargling mouthwash. However, chronic bad breath or halitosis might contain an underlying sign of other health issues.
Diabetes, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal problems might be the reason for having halitosis. Bad habits like smoking and alcohol consumption might also lead to this oral issue.
You can avoid this dental problem by brushing and flossing twice a day. Don’t forget to brush your tongue as well. Still, if the issue persists even withgood oral health care practices, it’s time to see your dentist.
Other signs you shouldn’t ignore from your oral cavity include any growth inside your mouth and changes to your tongue. It might be best to contact a reliable dental care expert as soon as you feel any discomfort from your oral cavity. For a recommendation, get immediate dental help from the family dentist indialantic now. In doing so, you may prevent specific health problems from aggravating.