Taking a selfie is something the vast majority of us worldwide will do, some more so than others.

Of course, it’s always nice to share a photo of ourselves on social media or on a dating app, especially if there is an aim for it. It could be a photo showing off were we are or how we look, while it could also be an opportunity for us to create a memory that we can share with others or look back on. Social media platforms like Instagram were arguably built to provide us with the ability to do this.

However, for some worldwide, a selfie could be something they need to do for work. Many work as influencers or models, meaning that they need to look their best at all times as they are usually on camera or video. Given that they are constantly in the spotlight, they will want to ensure their “makeup is on fleek” and on point.

What makeup techniques should you use to create the perfect selfie?

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to a makeup artist like the rich and famous (or those in jobs that require them to look their best all the time). For the vast majority of us, it’s all about learning the techniques that those who have become professionals have mastered and applying them to our own faces in our bedrooms.

It’s entirely possible, but it can be a lot of work. However, once the following secrets and tips have been learned, you’ll never need a makeup artist (unless you really want to pay out for one – perhaps for a special day or occasion).

Glowing skin can help do wonders

Although not everyone is blessed with it, glowing skin can make a real difference when trying to capture the perfect selfie. If you’ve ever looked at photos of others, you’ll probably have noticed that they tend to have a glow. This is because healthy skin radiates from the photo and instantly captures the eyes. Before taking your selfie, you should make sure to cleanse, exfoliate your skin and moisturise, as this will make a huge difference to the quality of the photo.

Use lighting techniques

Although it’s not related to the makeup that you should be using, getting the lighting right can be one of the most crucial steps when trying to create the perfect selfie. You should be investing in a ring light to help you get the right light, as this can enhance the quality and tone of your skin and face when used. It won’t change your appearance physically, but it can be just as effective as placing a filter on top of a standard photo that doesn’t have the additional light.

Keep your makeup as natural as possible

When applying it to our faces, it can be tempting to try and make a statement with our makeup. Let’s face it, makeup can be a way to show off who we are and what our character/personality is like. When it comes to creating the perfect selfie, you probably want to keep things as neutral and natural as possible. While you can use blush and foundation to add some color, it’s best to keep these things as light as possible, as they can make your complexion show healthily.

Smile with brightly colored lips

If you want your selfie to truly stand out, there aren’t many better ways to attract interest from others than by using your mouth. Using lipstick to color your lips in a bright and vibrant way can instantly add appeal to the selfie, while a smile can do incredible wonders for it. Smiles are instant attractions because they show that we’re happy, which can elevate the quality of the selfie shot 10x as much as a frown or a blank face with no emotion.

Time to be glamorous

Just because there are some people in the world who are naturally beautiful or have the resources available to them to have a makeup artist, it doesn’t mean you can’t create the prefect selfie whenever you want.

There are several different techniques available that can help you to glam up your photos and add a spruce of glamor. It may take practice and time, but it’s definitely possible. If you do achieve this, you’ll never need to use a filter and will allow your natural beauty to shine through in a way that many others would be envious of!


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