Cleaning And Keeping Drain Pipes

With their daily use, the pipes in our home begin to accumulate remains of food residues and other substances. This debris affects the water flow, produces unpleasant odors due to stagnation, and causes jamming.  So cleaning pipes is essential for their maintenance.

Cleaning pipes on a regular basis serves as a host of benefits. It prevents bugs’ proliferation, eliminates bad odors, kills germs, and most importantly –  hinders the blockage. Here are some tips in this regard:

Use Pipe Cover Filter

Use a pipe cover filter in all the pipes’ inlets, both in the kitchen sink as in the bathroom fixtures: bidet, shower, and washbasin. The protections allow the passage of water, but not solid waste that can generate a blockage. Thus, you will not have to clean pipes more often.

Clean The Inlet Covers From Time To Time 

Clean the inlet covers whenever necessary. Use toilet paper or a cleaning glove to pick and dump the residues in the garbage. Do not use running water, as water will push those residues into the pipe.  

Use Tweezers To Clean Inlet Filters

Hair fibers inevitably tend to enter the drain of bathtubs and showers even through inlet covers. So it is recommended to lift and clean the inlet protectors at least once a week using tweezers. Depending on the use we give to the sink and bidet, we will have to proceed in the same way more or less frequently.

Use Natural Drain Cleaner

There are very powerful drain cleaners available in the market. Among them, the best to use is the natural drain cleaner by Culleoka company. Their natural drain septic cleaner contains seven types of probiotics that are capable of breaking down food remains, soil debris, fecal matter, and more. This enzyme drain cleaner is an outstanding product for cleaning septic tanks and drains. 

Scrub and Clean well Before Washing Utensils 

Most drain jams occur in the kitchen because of the remains like breadcrumbs, flour, fish bones, remains of leaves filtered when washing vegetables, and grains of rice or noodles.  All of these form sediments inside the pipes that we cannot see from the outside.  And these sediments progressively decrease the passage of water. To avoid this, below we propose some steps that are very effective:

You must remove all the excess substances before washing pans and pots that have leftover oil, flour, or breadcrumbs. You can either pour down the extra substance in the dustbin or a polybag that you can later throw away. After that, remove all the remains with paper. And finally, wash the utensils with hot water.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more such posts! 

One Reply to “Tips For Cleaning And Keeping Drain Pipes In The Best Condition”

  1. Culleoka Company”s Natural Drain Cleaner is the best. I have been using it for the last 6 months. My shower and bathroom sink drains used to clog up frequently. Not anymore. I just pour in some CC drain and sewer cleaner, let it sit for 15 minutes and run some water down the drain and it is unblocked.

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