Packaging Ideas For Edibles

In a highly competitive market, the best method to grow your business is illustrating the unique picture of your brand. If you are running a food-selling business, you should pay attention to unique packaging designs that assist you in grasping the attention of your customers.

In this blog, we will explore seven uncommon and distinctive packaging ideas for edibles that can help you think out of the box. By analyzing these ideas you can understand modern trends and devise appropriate packaging solutions for your business. Read on for more!

  1. Hexagon Tuck Boxes

Conventional square and rectangular-shaped boxes have been in trend for centuries. However, modern inclinations seem to minimize such old-school packaging designs. In fierce market competition, standing out as a brand is paramount for businesses.

Hexagonal tuck boxes have taken the lead in this regard. Many Unique kraft packaging designs are available in the market. However, hexagonal ones have become more popular due to their distinctive appearance. They are unique as compared to square and rectangular box designs and can pack numerous product types.

In the food industry, they can be used to pack many types of items. Uncooked food like spaghetti, fast foods like pizzas, and many other items can be easily packed in these boxes.

The best part is that the volume and dimensions of hexagonal packages can be customized according to the requirements of the food items being consolidated in them.

  1. Convenient Fast Food Carriers

Fast food businesses increasingly rely on food packaging that is easy to carry for their customers. Fast food carriers that can accommodate multiple food items without being baggy are the most convenient and trendy packaging designs.

Collapsible bags with a glass holder for a drink and packets for burgers and fries are becoming popular. They are mostly made of cardboard durable enough to hold fast food products without hassle.

These bags also come with handles that assist food buyers in comfortably carrying their food. The design of these packages is also optimized for consumers to enjoy meals in the park, in the car, or at home.

  1. Bee Shaped Honey Jars

User experience matters a lot. Innovative packaging trends are gaining popularity as they enhance the user experience and connect customers with the products residing in the packaging. Bee-shaped honey jars are among the best examples of such unique packaging designs.

These jars are oval-shaped flasks indented with uniform rings from top to bottom. Their appearance is similar to bees, aesthetically appealing for honey lovers. These jars can also be embellished with glass bee figurines for added glory.

These unique packaging ideas communicate with your customers without the need for printing or labelling. Such eye-catching jar designs play an important role in attracting customers that can convert more sales.

  1. Hay-Made Egg Cartons

The demand for sustainable and green packaging solutions is increasing drastically. It is due to people becoming conscious about the well-being of the Earth. When it comes to food packaging, buyers especially look for items packed in sustainable and health-friendly packaging.

Hay-made egg cartons are one of the unique ideas in this regard. These clamshell cartons are made up of hay with dividers inside to hold eggs, separately. Egg suppliers can attach tags and labels to these cartons for marketing purposes.

The prime purpose of this unique packaging design is to mimic the natural environment and engage more customers. The organic material used to make these cartons provides a perfect relation with food products.

Moreover, these packages are eco-friendly as their manufacturing material is biodegradable.

  1. Retro Packaging For Chocolates

An excellent way to leave a lasting impression on customers is through leaving connectable cues on the packaging. This is what retro packaging for chocolates does. The vintage design gives your product a nostalgic feel that may attract your customers.

Retro packaging comes with old-fashioned graphical cues signifying the longevity of the brand. Even if you are a small business owner, such designs can assist you boost your brand game.

With such packaging designs, you can make your customers travel to the past and recall the history in a single glance. They may also think that you are an established chocolate brand running the business for years.

  1. Anti-Theft Lunch Bag

The smart move to save lunch from theft is an Anti-theft lunch bag. This design might not be the most attractive one, but it can protect your food from lunch felons. Some people even buy food in such packaging as they find this idea funny.

These polythene bags are transparent packages imprinted with mold-like spots illustrating that the food is spoiled. Looking at the rotten sandwich or other lunch items, the thieves would never steal your food.

  1. Clear Square Bottles For Milk

Square cardboard boxes are commonly used to pack milk. However, the buyers cannot predict the exact quantity of milk in such packaging. An easy as well as unique solution to such a problem is packing the milk in clear square bottles.

These bottles are mostly made up of polypropylene silicone that is durable enough to secure the milk residing in them. It comes with an easy-to-open yet appropriately sealed cap on the top. Removing the cap, you can comfortably pour milk into the glass or other wares.


Unique Packaging for your edibles can assist your brand to stand out and withstand the market competition. The above-mentioned seven exclusive packaging ideas can help you devise a perfect solution for your food packaging.

If you are looking for a reputable supplier to buy reliable packaging, get a quote from OXO Packaging. They are among the best packaging packaging suppliers all over the US. The best part about them is that they provide customized packaging with free shipping in the US.


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