Gallstones are particles that can be found in the gallbladder situated beneath the liver. There may be people with gallstones that might show no symptoms, while some do have gallstones in them and do present certain signs that do make it quite evident as to what is going on. So here are the signs that suggest the possible existence of gallstones in your body:
- Abdominal Pain
Biliary colic is a popular pain type that is experienced by multiple patients when they tend to have gallstones. This type of pain is characterized by sudden and extreme soreness that radiates around the upper right area close to the abdomen. According to Dr. Kapil Agrawal, founder of Habilite Clinics, this pain primarily occurs when you are consuming food, and particularly after having meals that tend to be high in fats. This pain that they experience can flare up for several hours, but on some occasions, many lower-fat meals cause these patients to feel this pain as well; this pain tends to restrict the back or the right shoulder blade.
- Nausea and Vomiting
Some patients have attacks, and during these attacks, the level of nausea they feel along with the motion to vomit feel very intense. Following up on their odour intake, they are placed on a diet that eliminates greasy and heavy food; on it those feelings start to subside, but these feelings are the direct result of consuming fatty food, thus further exaggerating the attack.
- Indigestion and Bloating
Certain combinations of food may not suit or process well with some people, which may lead to stomach upset, gases, or bloating, thus causing forms of indigestion because this empty stomach may not feel satisfied. All these tend to be symptoms that, in terms of aggravation, can be very subtle as well, thus leading to representatives worrying about their digestion.
- Alterations in Stool and Urine
Bile stone has the tendency to block bile flow, and its effect will lead to pale and clay-colored stools. An excessive amount of bilirubin in the blood can also cause dark urine.
- Jaundice
Due to stones in the gallbladder that oppress bile ducts, jaundiced skin along with the white parts of the eye turning yellow could be one of the symptoms.
When to Visit a Doctor
If you experience severe abdominal pain with a temperature, chills, and jaundice, you should seek help urgently. You must consult your best doctor for gallbladder surgery for resolution of these symptoms. You may have problems due to a gallbladder infection or bile duct blockade, in which case timely treatment is essential.
With these early signs in mind, complications are avoided and proper treatment occurs at the right time. If you feel this is what you have, visit the best doctor for gallbladder surgery to diagnose it and treat it effectively.