If you suspect that your loved one(s) has become addicted to drinking, you may feel compelled to give assistance. But how can you know that the problems really exist? Well, there are various warning signals you should look for to determine if the one you love might require assistance to get rid of this addiction by going to an addiction treatment facility.
Recognizing the major signs of alcohol addiction is the first step toward recovery. Rehabilitation centers in Oregon provide support for those struggling with alcohol dependency, offering tailored programs to aid in their journey to sobriety. Seeking professional help can make a significant difference in overcoming addiction and regaining control of one’s life.
- Frequent Use of Alcohol in Social Settings
People suffering from alcoholism interpret drinking in social settings in a different light. If an event involves drinks, they will be the first to arrive. Almost every social gathering must have booze for them. In case they do not drink, their family duties may become inconsequential to them.
- Stress Relief
An AUD victim is inclined to use alcohol in order to relieve stress. When they are irritated or concerned about anything, they badly need a drink. This individual might have had healthful activities such as exercise or drawing. However, they now utilize alcohol as their primary interest and try to escape from daily life.
- Being Defensive
When an alcoholic is questioned, he frequently becomes defensive about drinking. When the subject of excessive alcohol intake is raised, an AUD victim may become upset and make an excuse for his drinking behavior or downplay the severity of the problem.
- High Tolerance
An AUD likely has a high tolerance for drinking alcohol. While those around them might experience the effects of alcohol following a shot, they do not and can have numerous drinks without feeling intoxicated. This tolerance grows over time. As people continue indulging in drinks, they might require more and more booze to achieve the intended result.
- Visible Changes in Personality
They may experience personality changes when they are under the influence of alcohol. Reserved people can become noisy and raucous. People who are generally closed off may turn out to be obvious. These changes can be dangerous if an AUD becomes angry and violent while drinking.
- Excessive Drinking
When others are working or attending school, an AUD victim is either drinking or thinking about drinking. In the worst scenario, they may drink surreptitiously in the classroom or at work. Moreover, they may have enough knowledge to recognize that others regard them as an alcoholic. As a result, people frequently make efforts to conceal their daily drinking habits. One example is scrubbing their teeth numerous times every day to disguise the odor of alcohol.
- No Alcohol Limit
An alcoholic’s inability to realize when to stop is a tell-tale indication. An AUD victim might attempt to restrict his drinking to two glasses of alcohol each night; however, they can’t keep it. Just 2 drinks soon became 7 in a night.
- Consequences
The repercussions begin regardless of what individuals claim about their drinking. Perhaps they had a DUI or lost a job as a result of their drinking issue. While they’re aware of the repercussions, they still deny being alcoholic as the main cause. They blame their employer rather than take responsibility.
If you notice all the signs discussed above, you must not delay in seeking professional help.