Psychologically, kids need and use playing alone as their means of taking stock of their thoughts and emotions. Being bored because adults aren’t entertaining them is a common complaint among today’s youngsters. Where is the incentive for kids to invent their creative play if they feel they must keep them entertained and busy? Get some toys for 5 year olds not only to entertain them but also to improve their extraordinary skills. Here is a list of suggestions of toys you can try on your five-year-old kid.
Toys that develop gross motor skills
We can give away toys that help them continue learning to know and master their body and physical limits, as well as others that promote a sense of balance and coordination. Also, let’s not forget to include toys that invite socialization and play with their friends, for more please read review here.
Toys that promotes constructive skills
From the age of five, children’s excellent motor skills are already well developed, and they are able to cut, manipulate tiny objects, and paint with high precision. But it never hurts to continue stimulating this development with matching toys.
Small construction pieces (Lego type), craft sets that require precision, or those that need to use scissors are a perfect choice.
Toys that promote their autonomy
It is important to promote the autonomy of our children from a young age, with activities according to the age that helps them learn to live for themselves and to overcome the challenges they encounter in life. Through play, we can also help promote that autonomy.
Toys that encourage your creativity
At the creativity level, in addition to playing musical pieces and creating things with constructions, they can also be expressed through drawing and writing. There are many games that can help us develop their creativity.
Toys that promote their socialization
At the age of five, the child begins to share his toys on his own initiative and to look for others to share playtime. Furthermore, although many find it difficult to accept defeat, the child begins to understand that sometimes he wins and sometimes he loses.
Therefore, from this stage on, socialization, team play, concentration, and the importance of respecting the opponent and knowing how to lose can be promoted through board games or the like.
Symbolic play
At these ages, children continue to play at being non-persons and to develop symbolic play even more clearly than when they are young. For this reason, games such as costumes, supermarkets, kitchens, dollhouses, tool cases, nursing utensils, puppet theaters … enhance kid’s imagination and creativity, and will make them temporarily that character they want to be. If he/she is pokemon fan, get a pokemon stuffed toy from Pokemon Kuscheltiere.
And we cannot finish our review without recommending giving books away. They are not toys, but they are fun. They help them understand real-life situations, they allow them to learn vocabulary, and they take them to a fantasy world. Stories and books should always be obligatory gifts, because reading is pleasure and learning, among many other things.